Adult Safeguarding Strategy

Closed 15 Jan 2016

Opened 23 Oct 2015

Results expected 18 Mar 2016

Feedback expected 31 Mar 2016


Help to make sure that Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business

The City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board is a group of organisations working in the City of London and in Hackney that have come together to form a partnership. We have a shared vision:

 “People should be able to live a life free from harm in communities that are intolerant of abuse, work together to prevent abuse and know what to do when it happens.”

We have developed a new five year strategy to help us realise this vision in the City and Hackney. We want the strategy to help organisations to work together to protect adults in our communities who are not able to protect themselves from abuse and neglect because of their care and support needs. The strategy will run until 2020.

Why your views matter

The Board has suggested four principles that we think should underpin all of our work and five things that this strategy could aim to achieve. We would like to hear your views about the principles and aims and what action you think we could take. What you tell us will help to make sure that our strategy is the right one for you by focusing on what is important to you and people in our local communities. We also want to hear your views on adult safeguarding across the City and Hackney.

The Care Act 2014 requires that a Safeguarding Adults Board produces a strategy that will help it to be assured that local safeguarding arrangements are in place and are effective. This consultation will help us to meet our duties under the Act.

We will also be attending local events and forums to publicise the consultation and to ask people for their views and opinions.


  • Understanding views