Help Shape Carer's Services in Hackney - Carer's Questionnaire

Closed 15 Oct 2018

Opened 10 Sep 2018

Feedback updated 21 Dec 2018

We asked

We asked unpaid adult carers about what they think an excellent service for adult carers in Hackney would look like.

You said

You told us your thoughts on what is working well, what the barriers are and what needs to be improved.

We did

We have used this valuable feedback to shape the design of the new service to give carers a better service in the future.

Results updated 13 May 2019



Adult carers or residents who regularly provide help and assistance to someone over the age of 18 are being asked to share their views on services the Council provides to support them. We're interested in hearing about your experiences as an unpaid adult carer and finding out about what you think a really good service for adult carers in Hackney would look like. This is your chance to tell us what works well, what you value and what needs to improve.

If you look after a family member, partner, friend or neighbour who lives in Hackney we would really encourage you to complete this questionnaire. The person or people you care for may be in need of support or services because of:

  • Their age
  • Substance misuse
  • Alcohol dependency 
  • Physical or learning disability or illness
  • Mental illness 

If you do not live in Hackney, but provide care and support for someone living in Hackney we still want to hear your views. Carers who receive Carers Allowance are still considered to be ‘unpaid carers’.

This short questionnaire is different from the NHS Digital National Carers Survey that you may receive via Hackney Council in October. The results of that survey will be used by NHS Digital to learn more about services across the whole country received by carers. This questionnaire will help Hackney Council to shape and improve carers' services locally to meet the needs of adult carers.

It is really important both locally and nationally for your views to be heard, so we would encourage you to complete both surveys if have the opportunity to do so. 

The deadline for completing this questionnaire is 15th October 2018. The information given in survey responses is kept confidential – and personal data will not be shared outside of Hackney Council. 

It won’t take much more than 10 minutes of your time to complete this survey, and we greatly appreciate your response. If you submit the form with your email address, we will enter your name into a draw to win a £50 voucher that can be redeemed at many High Street stores.

If you need support completing the form, do not have internet access or need an alternative format of the survey please call Daniel on 020 8356 4711. If you are a carer and have a significant need please contact any of the following teams on:

  • Adult Social Care: 020 8356 6262
  • Mental Health: 020 8510 8011
  • Integrated Learning Disabilities: 020 8356 4777


  • Understanding views