Investing in New SEND Provision Consultation

Closed 19 Jan 2018

Opened 20 Nov 2017

Results updated 20 Mar 2018

Thank you for taking part in the Investing in SEND provision consultation.

Below you can find a report on the findings of the consultaiton, which ran from  20th November 2017 until 19th January 2018.

If you would like to know more information about which policy options will be furhter considered please go to Hackney's Local Offer page here.


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Welcome to the investing in new SEND provision consultation.

Hackney has been allocated nearly £2 million of capital funding to help create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEND.

The funding is intended for children and young people who have an education, health and care plan (ECHP) for whom the local authority is responsible.

Our allocation is £662,722 each year for 2018-19 to 2020-21, a total of £1,988,167. Following the SEND Provision in Hackney Survey and our own data, the Council has developed options for investment based on two identified needs groups:

  1. Children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  2. Children and young people with Social, Emotional or Mental Health (SEMH) needs, specifically those who demonstrate risky and challenging behaviour

Depending on the outcome of the consultation process and proposals, funds will be allocated from the Department for Education later in 2018.

Please read the consultation summary explaining the proposals before completing this questionnaire.

You can read a full summary of the proposals along with the data on ASD and SEMH within the Borough below.

Consultation Summary

ASD and SEMH in Hakcney infographic data.

Further information on the and findings of the SEND Provision in Hackney Survey can be found at the Hackney Local Offer page:




Why your views matter

To help Hackney Council decide where to invest this funding and deliver more spaces for pupils with EHC Plans, we want input and feedback from residents and educational professionals. This consultation is your opportunity to help us decide where to allocate this.


  • Gathering ideas