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560 results

  • Stage Four consultation - Review of parking controls in Zone U Area (Upper Clapton)

    As part of our Parking Enforcement Plan (PEP) we have made a commitment to review existing Parking Zones (PZ) to ensure that the controls in the area continue to meet the needs of residents and businesses. The review process is a great opportunity for us to hear about your parking experience within your zone and to find out whether it’s currently meeting your parking needs. We are requesting your feedback on: The hours of operation for... More
    Closed 16 August 2021
  • Draft Dalston Plan Walking Tours and Workshop

    Welcome to the sign-up page for the Draft Dalston Plan walking tours and workshops. The walking tour and workshop will explore aspects of the distinctive attributes that together comprise the character of Dalston, different opportunities for development in the area, potential improvements to the public realm such as streets and the environment, and key heritage issues. The walking tours and workshops will take place on: Walking tour & workshop 1: Monday 9 August, 6pm-8pm ... More
    Closed 6 August 2021
  • Good Growth Fund: Delivering improvements to Ridley Road and Ashwin Street

    We’re committed to investing in Ridley Road Market for the long-term and delivering a fair recovery from the pandemic in Dalston. As a part of this commitment, we are match-funding the £770,000 Mayor of London’s Good Growth fund awarded to Dalston to deliver £1.5m of improvements in the market and Ashwin Street. The final proposals for the market and improvements in nearby Ashwin Street have been designed in collaboration with the market’s traders over the last year, to help... More
    Closed 27 July 2021
  • Late Night Levy Consultation 2021

    Have your say on proposals to reduce Late Night Levy fees for businesses that gain the Hackney Nights Accreditation. The Late Night Levy was introduced in November 2017 and requires all licensed premises that sell alcohol between midnight and 6 am to pay the levy. Local evidence at the time showed a clear correlation between the locations of late night licensed premises and incidents involving robbery, violence and theft. The levy was introduced to raise funds for additional... More
    Closed 24 July 2021
  • Consultation on tackling drinking-related antisocial behaviour in public spaces

    Hackney Council would like your views on the creation of a borough-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) prohibiting alcohol related anti-social behaviour. This replaces borough-wide controls that have been in place since 2010. Background In 2010, a borough-wide Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) was introduced in Hackney. The purpose of the DPPO was to ensure that the consumption of alcohol in a public place did not cause disorder, nuisance or annoyance to members of... More
    Closed 4 July 2021
  • Review of South Shoreditch Conservation Area

    We are currently consulting on a review of the existing South Shoreditch Conservation Area. See below for more information and how you can have your say. Hackney Council has undertaken a detailed review of the existing South Shoreditch Conservation Area and is consulting on a Draft South Shoreditch Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan. It is also proposing several minor alterations to the conservation area boundary. Why is the South Shoreditch Conservation Area of... More
    Closed 30 June 2021
  • Designation of Pitfield Street Conservation Area

    We are currently consulting on a proposed Pitfield Street Conservation Area following the areas identificiation in the 2017 Conservation Area Review. Hackney Council has undertaken detailed research for the proposed Pitfield Street Conservation Area and is consulting on a Draft Pitfield Street Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan and boundary map. Why is Pitfield Street of special architectural and historic character? The Pitfield Street Conservation Area... More
    Closed 30 June 2021
  • Designation of Well Street Conservation Area

    Hackney Council has carried out detailed research and is proposing to designate the Well Street Conservation Area, which is considers to have special architectural and historic interest. We are seeking your views on a Draft Well Street Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan along with a Draft Boundary Map. More
    Closed 30 June 2021
  • Designation of Beck Road Conservation Area

    Hackney Council has carried out detailed research and is proposing to designate the Beck Road Conservation Area, which it considers to have special architectural and historic interest. We are seeking your views on a Draft Beck Road Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan along with a Draft Boundary Map. You can download the Beck Road Conservation Area boundary map and Appraisal & Management Plan below. More
    Closed 30 June 2021
  • Grange Street - Street food market trial

    The Markets, Shop Fronts and Street Trading Service is interested in trialling the placement of a trader selling coffee, cold drinks, and bagels on Grange Street next to Shoreditch Park. The trader would be trading Monday to Saturday. It is important to us to get the opinions of local residents before any decisions are made. As such, we would like to hear your feedback on this. If you have any further feedback, please get in contact with us at or by... More
    Closed 28 June 2021
  • Broadway Market - Street food market trial

    After the successful relaunch of a covid-secure Broadway Market, Hackney Council is continuously looking for ways to further support small businesses and stimulate the local economy. We asked for your feedback on a modified version of the market on an additional day to bring back your long-awaited street food traders who did not trade for the majority of 2020. With the overwhelming feedback and support, we launched a 12 week trial period for a small food market separate to our... More
    Closed 28 June 2021
  • Butterfield Green Play Areas

    In 2020 we developed a new 10 year Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, which includes a commitment to investing in and improving the borough's parks and to working with children, young people and their families to improve them. So far in 2021 we have already started work to consult and engage people on projects to improve play in Clissold Park and Clapton Pond and funding has also been approved for a further four sites: Butterfield Green, Clapton Square, Haggerston Park and Stoke Newington... More
    Closed 27 June 2021
  • Haggerston Play Area

    In 2020 we developed a new 10 year Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, which includes a commitment to investing in and improving the borough's parks and to working with children, young people and their families to improve them. So far in 2021 we have already started work to consult and engage people on projects to improve play in Clissold Park and Clapton Pond and funding has also been approved for a further four sites: Butterfield Green, Clapton Square,... More
    Closed 27 June 2021
  • Stoke Newington Common Play Area

    In 2020 we developed a new 10 year Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, which includes a commitment to investing in and improving the Borough's parks and to working with children, young people and their families to improve them. So far in 2021 we have already started work to consult and engage people on projects to improve play in Clissold Park and Clapton Pond and funding has also been approved for a further four sites: Butterfield Green, Clapton Square,... More
    Closed 27 June 2021
  • Clapton Square Play Area

    In 2020 we developed a new 10 year Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, which includes a commitment to investing in and improving the borough's parks and to working with children, young people and their families to improve them. So far in 2021 we have already started work to consult and engage people on projects to improve play in Clissold Park and Clapton Pond and funding has also been approved for a further four sites: Butterfield Green, Clapton Square,... More
    Closed 27 June 2021
  • Clissold Park Consultation

    We are making improvements to Clissold Park. The old paddling pool in Clissold Park has reached the end of its life, and we have been working with the Park User Group to develop plans for a replacement facility. Unfortunately the paddling pool is very old, and is costing increasing amounts of money to repair and look after. We often have to close the paddling pool at busy times to undertake maintenance work, and it's not fully accessible to wheelchair users. We are... More
    Closed 1 May 2021
  • Tell us about your experience accessing Council services.

    Hackney Customer Services team would like to hear the views of all Hackney residents, particularly those who use (or may use) the phone, regarding how they access Hackney Council Services or raise a query or complaint. This is so we can better understand how and why residents access services, what residents expect when they call the Council, and views on how we handle their data. This survey will support the information we have already collected from residents who we are working with to shape... More
    Closed 18 April 2021
  • New council homes for the De Beauvoir Estate – Phase 1

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation – part of more than 13,000 families on our housing waiting list. That’s why Hackney is building. At the De Beauvoir Estate, we are proposing to build 186 new homes in Phase 1 here as part of our commitment to make the most of land on our estates alongside delivering improvements for existing residents. Online events We’re holding online sessions... More
    Closed 14 April 2021
  • Cassland Road Gardens Renaming Consultation

    You may have noticed that the name of Cassland Road Gardens was taken down in December 2020 and replaced with a welcome sign. This was the first action taken by the Review, Rename, Reclaim project, which is the name given to Hackney Council’s review into the legacies of African enslavement history and colonialism in Hackney. In June 2020, Hackney Council announced the Review, Rename, Reclaim project which gives us all an opportunity to rethink the names of spaces where communities... More
    Closed 11 April 2021
  • Clapton Pond play area improvements

    Have your say on the refurbishment of the play area in Clapton Pond Due to the current social distancing restrictions we aren’t able to run design and feedback sessions with children, families and schools in the way we usually do. If you have children in your home we’d love to hear what they think of the designs. Please include their views when completing the survey. You can view the design by clicking on the link below. Clapton Pond play area design More
    Closed 8 April 2021
  • New council homes for Lincoln Court - March 2021

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation - some of more than 13,000 families on our housing waiting list. That’s why Hackney is building. As part of our plans to provide much-needed housing on council-owned land, we’re proposing to build 80-90 homes at Lincoln Court. We are keen to hear your thoughts on our plans - please review the information in the documents below and complete the online survey... More
    Closed 5 April 2021
  • 2020/21 Post Audit Survey

    Dear Colleague. To help us assess and improve the quality of the Council’s internal audit service, please complete this questionnaire. Please assess the quality and value of the recent work undertaken for you by Internal Audit More
    Closed 31 March 2021
  • Cassland Road Gardens online session feedback

    Thank you for joining the Cassland Road Gardens online session. We hope you found it informative and felt able to express your veiws. It's really important for us to be sensitive to the views of all local people, especially those who might be impacted by any of the future consultations around renaming streets, buildings and public spaces. We would now like to invite you to complete a short survey. This will help us understand what worked and what did not work so well, in order... More
    Closed 19 March 2021
  • Ravey Street - Proposed Public Realm Improvements

    Help us improve Ravey Street This webpage outlines proposals to transform Ravey Street into a high-quality public space. Why are these changes being proposed? These proposals form part of the long term vision for streets in Shoreditch and Hoxton which reflect our aspirations for this thriving and dynamic area of London. We want to create streets that are safe, easy to walk or cycle on, reduce vehicle dominance and help to improve air quality. ... More
    Closed 11 March 2021
  • New North Road - Proposed Public Realm Improvements

    This webpage outlines proposals to improve a section of New North Road to achieve a safer and more pleasant walking environment along the street, and visually connect this public space with the recent upgrade of Pitfield Street Triangle. We are now seeking your views on the proposals. Why are these changes being proposed? These proposals form part of the long term vision for streets in Shoreditch and Hoxton which reflect our aspirations for this... More
    Closed 11 March 2021
  • Leonard Street (west) - Proposed Modal Filter & Public Realm Improvements

    This webpage outlines proposals to improve Leonard Street, between Tabernacle Street and Kiffen Street, to achieve a safer and more pleasant environment along the street, and to connect various key public spaces within Shoreditch as part of the Shoreditch Plan. We are now seeking your views on the proposals. Why are these changes being proposed? These proposals form part of the long term vision for streets in Shoreditch and Hoxton which reflect our... More
    Closed 11 March 2021
  • Have your say on how we allocate homes and support people in housing need

    44% of Hackney residents live in social housing, provided by either the Council or a social landlord such as a housing association. The majority of social rent homes in the borough are offered by Hackney Council to households on the Council’s housing register, with applicants and tenants able to bid for homes that are available. More than 13,000 households are currently on this list, including those without a suitable place to live and those whose social rent home doesn’t meet their... More
    Closed 8 March 2021
  • New council homes for Frampton Park Estate - February 2021

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation - some of more than 13,000 families on our housing waiting list. That’s why Hackney is building. As part of our plans to provide much-needed housing on council-owned land, we’re proposing to build 69 new homes at Frampton Park. We are also proposing to transform the public spaces across the estate to make them more attractive, accessible and enjoyable. We are... More
    Closed 28 February 2021
  • Have your say on how we allocate homes and support people in housing need - Online sessions registration

    To view the full consultation, visit: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation drop-in sessions are being held online. These events will take place during January and February, when you can put your questions to officers from the Benefits and Housing Needs Service. Please register using the registration form below. The sessions will be held on Zoom,... More
    Closed 24 February 2021
  • Stage One Consultation: Introduction of Parking Controls in Stamford Hill (East & West)

    Since the 2018 parking zone consultation there has been increased parking stress on roads in Stamford Hill East & West, due to commuters, businesses and residents of neighbouring areas seeking to take advantage of the free parking and the expansion of controlled parking zones in nearby Zone U, Zone T and in neighbouring Haringey. Following the receipt of individual requests and petitions for the introduction of parking controls in Stamford Hill East & West, the Council carried out a... More
    Closed 22 February 2021
560 results. Page 8 of 19