Advocacy Services in Hackney

Closed 1 Apr 2022

Opened 7 Feb 2022

Feedback updated 23 Jan 2023

We asked

We asked you to tell us what you thought of adult advocacy services in Hackney. We wanted to know what worked well, what didn't and what we could do to improve things.

You said

You told us that there were a number of areas for improvement. We have taken your feedback on board and will be procuring a new service that better meets the needs of residents who use advocacy services, especially our vulnerable residents. You can see the full report here: Advocacy Services report

Some of the things you told us were:

  • Advocacy should be accessible and culturally appropriate.
  • Advocacy should challenge (systemic) inequalities and support the borough’s most vulnerable residents.
  • Increase the amount of advocates for patients to see as this is too important.

We did

In response to what you told us:

  • We have worked hard to ensure that we offer a service that meets the needs of those who require the service and reflective of Hackney’s population. This contract will widen the scope of deliver with training and development both for community organisations and communities to be able to deliver advocacy in a way which is fully accessible and appropriate
  • We agree and will ensure effective data capture, identify trends and gaps in delivery and act on them. We will also train communities and develop the offer for underserved residents to ensure we maximise support
  • We are looking at training more people from the local communities as advocates to help increase advocate numbers. There will also be opportunities for communities to participate in alternative forms of advocacy.

Results updated 23 Jan 2023

This is the final report of the results of the engagement we did with residents to listen to their experiences of using Advocacy Services in Hackney.



Hackney Council is looking at advocacy services in the borough and wants to make sure that the services we offer help the people who need it. We also want to make sure the services are the best they can be.

If you or someone you know uses adult advocacy services in Hackney then we want to hear from you. 

People who use these services include older people, homeless people, people with mental health issues, people with learning disabilities, people who are  isolated or unable to get support from family and friends.

Tell us about your experiences and what you think about advocacy in Hackney before 1 April 2022.  Please complete our short survey and help the council provide good quality services that are friendly, fair, useful and offer the best service possible.

If you would like a paper copy or Easy Read version of this survey please email:

If you have any questions or would like more information about this consultation please email:


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