Have your say about Hackney Road Recreation Ground
Feedback updated 23 Jun 2016
We asked
Shall we change the name of Hackney Road Recreation Ground to honour Thomas Fairchild?
What do you think about holding a market in the space and what kind of market should it be?
Why do you not use Hackney Road Recreation Ground?
You said
Yes lets honour Thomas Fairchild and change the name of the space to Fairchild's Garden.
We think a farmers market would work well in the space.
Hackney Road Recreation Ground is unwelcoming and is not a very nice place to spend time.
We did
We will offically change the name of the space and install new welcome signage.
We will explore the logistics of holding a farmers market in the space.
We will continue to look for funding to improve the park and make it more welcoming.
Hackney Council would like to improve Hackney Road Recreation Ground and are working with interested parties to raise funds and improve the space. As a local resident we would like to hear your views about the proposals for improving the Recreation Ground.
- Parks & green spaces
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