Stage Two Design Consultation - Zone R (Rectory Road)
Results updated 27 Apr 2017
We are pleased to announce that the results of the Stage two consultation are now available to the residents and businesses. A summary consultation pack detailing the results has been sent to all residents and businesses in the area by post and can also be veiwed below.
The proposed changes were advertised as part of the statutory consultation completed in the area on the 27th February 2017.
Zone Implementation and Go live.
Parking Services will be carrying out lining works in the zone R area between 20th April and 12th May 2017. To allow us to implement the parking bay lines and yellow lines as possible, we will be suspending parking in roads within zone R during the implementation dates above. Please see implementation letters for exact dates when parking will be suspended in your road.
We aim to begin enforcement in Zone R from the 22nd May 2017.
From this date, all vehicles will need to display a valid permit in order to park in Zone R during the hours of operation. Residents can begin purchasing their permits from the 10th April 2017. Please see our permits page for more information regarding how to apply for a permit;
- Delegated Report, 3.0 MB (PDF document)
- Zone_R_implementation_letter.pdf, 101.4 KB (PDF document)
Parking Services consulted residents and businesses in the Rectory Road area between August and October 2015 about the introduction of parking controls on their roads and surrounding roads in the area (Stage One consultation in Zone E displacement area).
Why your views matter
During the consultation, all local residents and business owners in the ‘uncontrolled’ area were sent a consultation pack and were given the opportunity to have their say on the proposed introduction of parking controls.
As a result of the consultation and support from local residents, the Council approved the introduction of parking controls in the following streets:
• Benthal Road
• Evering Road (section from Jenner Road to Brooke Road)
• Maury Road
• Stoke Newington Common
• Brooke Road (section from Jenner Road to Rendlesham Road)
• Norcott Road
• Ottaway Street
• Rendlesham Road
Before we install the new parking restrictions, we want to ensure that we have got the design layout and use of the parking bays right. We want to know your views on the proposed design (including the type and location of different parking bays) and hours of operation for your zone.
Statutory Objections
The Council received a number of objections from the zone R area during the statutory consultation period.
All objections have now been considered and a decision has been made to overrule the objections received.
A copy of the decision audit report which outlines the decision made and reasons for the decision can be found below.
What happens next
What happens next?
To ensure we minimise the impact of parking pressure to nearby roads, we will be delaying the introduction of parking controls in the Zone R area until after a Stage 1 and 2 consultation has taken place in the nearby displacement area. This means that we will be able to implement controls in both areas at the same time if the nearby roads are in favour of parking controls.
Implementation is currently scheduled for April 2017 (pending statutory consultation).
Drop in sessions
From 29 Jun 2016 at 17:00 to 29 Jun 2016 at 19:00We will be holding drop in sessions at BSIX Brooke House Sixth Form College, Kenninghall Road, London
E5 8BP between 5pm to 7pm. Residents and businesses are encouraged to attend and raise any queries
or provide feedback which they may have to us in person.
- Traffic and transportation
- Parking
- Pollution
- Sustainability
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