Stage Four consultation - Review of parking controls in Zone P Area (Victoria Park Village)
Results updated 14 May 2024
- Stage 4 Zone P Review Delegated Report, 2.6 MB (PDF document)
- Stage 4 Zone P Summary Leaflet, 1.3 MB (PDF document)
Parking Zone (PZ) P was last reviewed in 2015. Since then there have been various developments and parking changes both within the parking zone and in the zones surrounding it. In line with our Parking and Enforcement Plan, the Council has a duty to review parking zones as and when they are needed.
The review process is a great opportunity for us to hear about your parking experience within your PZ and to find out whether it is currently meeting your parking needs.
Every resident and business within Parking Zone P has the opportunity to have their say during this consultation.
During the consultation, we are seeking your views on:
- The hours of operation for your zone
- Proposed parking design changes for the area
- Sustainable transport initiatives
Please see this leaflet and map for more information about the proposals and for the area being consulted.
We have reviewed our processes to ensure all residents and businesses within a consultation area can express their views on parking related matters that may impact them. The changes will ensure consultation feedback is reflective of the parking needs of the zone and allow the Council to make recommendations based on genuine feedback. Full details of the changes can be found in the consultation leaflet.
Please note you will need your unique reference from your consultation pack to submit this online questionnaire. Without this, you will not be able to submit an online response. If you have not received a questionnaire, please contact us on 020 8356 8877 and a consultation pack will be sent out to you. Consultation packs will only be provided upon the provision of proof of residency. Please see page 7 of the consultation leaflet for what the Council will accept as proof of residency.
Accessibility statement
If you require this document in a different format, please email We will consider your request and get back to you in the next five working days.
Data Protection
Hackney Council is a Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We hold the information given to us for the specific purpose of processing and managing parking consultations only. Under the GDPR any information you provide may be disclosed to other organisations in order for this local authority to perform its duty to protect public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
You can read more information about this, and also about your Data Protection rights in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 by going to This includes how to contact the Data Protection Officer, how long your information is held, and how we process your personal information. Printed copies of the Council’s Privacy Notices can be provided on request.
What happens next
Consultation Results – February 2024
Consultation results will be made available to residents and businesses. A summary consultation booklet, detailing the results, will be sent to all residents and businesses in the area by post and will be available on the Hackney website.
If you have any questions regarding the consultation please contact us through the Hackney Service Centre on 020 8356 8877 or email:
- Understanding views
- Traffic and transportation
- Parking
- Pollution
- Sustainability
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