Shacklewell Green Conservation Area Public Consultation
Results updated 9 May 2018
The Shacklewell Green conservation area was designated on 19 February 2018.
For more information please see
What is a Conservation Area?
A Conservation Areas is an area of special architectural interest. It is the character of the area as a whole rather than the quality of specific buildings that is important. The historic layout of roads, paths, gardens and trees all contribute to this special character. Hackney Council designates Conservation Areas in order to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of these historic areas.
Shacklewell Green Conservation Area
The proposed Shacklewell Green Conservation Area comprises a small area of land originally laid out on the line of field boundaries and centred on the ancient hamlet of Shacklewell. The conservation area would include the well preserved and uniform late Victorian terraces on Seal Street, Perch Street and April Street along with the Grade II* listed St Barnabas’ Church and locally listed Merchant Taylors’ Hall on Shacklewell Row. Shacklewell Green provides a welcome green space with its mature plane trees. The conservation area is an excellent example of late Victorian development centred on an ancient hamlet and village green.
How does being in a Conservation Area affect you?
Conservation Areas enjoy special protection under the law. Below are some of the key requirements for works in Conservation Areas:
- You will need planning permission to demolish a building in a conservation area. LB Hackney will seek to keep all buildings that make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
- You must give us six weeks notice in writing before any work is carried out to lop, top or fell a tree in a Conservation Area. You can contact the Council’s Tree Officer for advice and help.
- You will need to demonstrate that any development proposal preserves or enhances the character and appearance of a Conservation Area. Hackney Council has greater control over building work in conservation areas, including materials and detailed design.
- You may need to apply for planning permission for alterations or extensions that would not normally need planning permission, such as minor roof alterations, dormer windows or a satellite dish. If you are in any doubt about whether you need planning permission, you can contact the Duty Planner.
- Hackney also has greater control over the erection of advertisements and signs. For instance, Hackney has the power to control shop signs, posters or estate agents boards that would not normally need permission.
Proposed Article 4 Direction
The properties on Seal Street, Perch Street and April Street are of architectural merit both in their overall design and their architectural detailing. Other buildings on Shacklewell Lane are of similar character. In order to preserve the features that give these streets their special character, such as original windows, doors, brick arches, terracotta plaques and the like, the Council is seeking an Article 4 Direction over part of the proposed conservation area.
The Article 4 Direction will mean that the following development will require planning permission:
- The enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwelling house, including changes to windows, front doors, metalwork, plasterwork, doorcases or the like
- The painting of the exterior of any building
- The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure
- The enlargement of a dwelling house consisting of an addition or alteration to its roof including the alteration or removal of chimneys and chimney pots
- The erection or construction of a porch outside any external door of a dwelling house
- The provision within the curtilage of a dwelling house of a hard surface for any purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house as such
- The installation, alteration or replacement of a satellite antenna on a dwelling house or within the curtilage of a dwelling house.
There will be no fees for planning applications for the above mentioned development.
Please note that the Article 4 Direction will only apply to certain properties. To confirm if your property is within the Article 4 boundary, please see the enclosed map.
Formal legal notice of the proposed Article 4 Direction will be sent separately.
Shacklewell Green Conservation Area Appraisal
The Council has prepared a draft Conservation Area Appraisal as part of its proposals to designate the Shacklewell Green Conservation Area. The appraisal describes and analyses the particular character of the conservation area and includes more obvious aspects such as its buildings, architectural details and open spaces, as well as attempting to portray the unique qualities that make the area “special”. These include less tangible characteristics such as cultural and socio-economic influences.
The draft appraisal can be viewed in the 'Related Documents' section below.
Drop-in Session
From 7 Nov 2017 at 16:00 to 7 Nov 2017 at 19:00Merchant Taylor's Hall, Shacklewell Row
- Planning
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