Cassland Road and Terrace Road Junction

Closed 7 Apr 2017

Opened 16 Mar 2017


This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the Cassland Road and Terrace Road junction for pedestrians, cyclist and buses.

Why your views matter

The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. Creating an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s transport vision and an essential part of Hackney’s Transport Strategy.

Over the last few years the Council has received a number of requests from residents and stakeholders to improve pedestrian, cycle facilities and traffic movement at the junction of Cassland Road and Terrace Road.

Hackney Council is now consulting with the local community on a proposal to improve pedestrian, cycle facilities and traffic flow for buses at the junction of Cassland Road and Terrace Road.

Encouraging the use of cleaner and greener transport options (particularly walking, cycling and public transport) and reducing non-essential private car journeys are key long-term objectives for the Council due to the wide range of benefits these transport options can bring, including:

• Reducing road accidents

• Improving personal mobility

• Creating safer, cleaner, and quieter residential neighbourhoods

• Creating a successful balance between pedestrians and other modes of transport, in order to improve the pedestrian and cyclist experience

• Improving pedestrian and cyclist crossing facilities

• Improving air quality

Please refer to the detailed plan overleaf. All 3 measures would be needed for the scheme to be successful.

1 Upgrading the traffic signals to include the northern arm of Terrace Road to improve the flow of traffic at the junction.

2 Providing straight-across signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction to improve accessibility.

3 Removing the existing pedestrian island as it is not required for the new improved signal arrangements.

4 Introducing new advanced stop lines to aid cyclists at the junction.

5 Providing new kerb build-out to reduce crossing width for pedestrians.

6 Maintaining yellow box markings at the junction to improve safety and help keep the traffic flowing.

7 Reducing the existing parking bay in Cassland Road by 10m to improve the flow of traffic, particularly for buses.


What happens next

The consultation results will help us reach a decision on whether to proceed with these proposals in your area. The Council will publish the consultation results and decision on www. Subject to obtaining approval from Transport for London for the design of traffic signal layout, should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals, residents and businesses nearby will receive notification. Public notices will also be displayed, giving the date works will start.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to this consultation.


  • Traffic and transportation