Bus Priority Proposal for Kenton Road - Bus stand
Results updated 6 Mar 2023
Thank you to everyone who responded to this consultation.
The delegated powers decision report showing the results of the consultation is available to download below.
- Signed DPD - Bus Priority Kenton Road, 966.0 KB (PDF document)
- Works notification, 424.7 KB (PDF document)
We are seeking to gather your views on proposals to improve the local road network and make the section of Kenton Road by the triangle safer. This will enable buses to turn around from the new bus stand on Kenton Road without being obstructed by parked cars.
Why are these changes being proposed?
The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough as well as promoting public transport and helping to ensure buses are more reliable.
We are proposing these changes to improve reliability on bus routes 30 and 425 by converting a redundant bus stop previously used by route 30 into a bus stand for use in situations where there are traffic delays. At the same time we are taking the opportunity to make environmental improvements around the triangle.
Vehicles parked in the parking bays on either side of the entry point of the one way (section of Kenton Road opposite Queen Anne Road) do not leave enough space for buses to turn safely. In addition, vehicles have been seen parked illegally at the end of the parking bay, opposite the build-out, making it impossible for large vehicles to pass. Obstructing parked vehicles can also hamper the passage of emergency vehicles resulting in longer response times.
These changes are proposed to enable buses to travel through safely and without damage to any parked vehicles by the section of Kenton Road opposite Queen Anne Road.
What is the proposed scheme?
Please refer this drawing for further details.
The proposal is to convert a redundant bus stop to a bus stand, and make changes on the section of Kenton Road opposite Queen Anne Road to enable buses to turn around safely and to improve the local environment.
The proposal includes the following:
- Removing two parking spaces at the entry point (one on each side, see drawing)
- Re-aligning the kerb to create more carriageway space to allow buses to exit the triangle safely
- Introducing “No waiting and loading” restrictions around the Kenton Road triangle area
- Creating a new green space on the existing build-out.
What happens next?
Your views will also be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made on this page.
Should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals following public consultation, a further statutory consultation will need to be carried out to produce the legal Traffic Management Orders & Notices. Subject to this, residents and stakeholders will receive a letter to inform them about the start date of the scheme. Public notices advising on the changes will also be displayed on lamp columns in the area at that time.
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