Homerton Hospital Low Emission Neighbourhood - Mackintosh Lane and Sedgwick Street - One-way system and pedestrian improvements

Closed 10 Mar 2019

Opened 6 Feb 2019

Results updated 17 Apr 2019

The delegated powers decision showing the results of the consultation is available to download here.



This consultation seeks to gather your views on a proposed Low Emissions Neighbourhood (LEN) scheme to improve the safety of pedestrians using Mackintosh Lane. Homerton Hospital, with support from the Council, submitted a successful bid to the London Mayor’s Air Quality Fund to become a Business LEN. The LEN aims to encourage Homerton Hospital staff to use more sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling for commuter and business trips as well as to support patients’ visitors to travel to the hospital through sustainable modes.

The west side of Mackintosh Lane, from opposite number 6b to the junction of Homerton High Street, has no footway. The Council is proposing to introduce a footway here and to turn Mackintosh Lane into a northbound one-way road with a ‘no-entry’ from Homerton High Street. Width restrictions flush with the level of the carriageway surface would also be installed to keep drivers within the 20mph speed limit, improving the safety of pedestrians using the underpass to and from Berger Road.

A variety of minor works separate to this consultation are also being carried out to stop the ongoing issue of parking on the footway along Sedgwick Street and Mackintosh Lane.

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. These changes aim to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling, improve air quality and reduce emissions within the local area.

Our Transport Strategy includes a Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan, which recognises that local streets are not just places to park vehicles or drive, walk and cycle on. They are places where we socialise and live our lives. An aspiration is to reclaim Hackney’s streets from motor traffic congestion and transform them into the most attractive and liveable neighbourhoods in London.

Mackintosh Lane is one of the two walking routes that connects Homerton Hospital and Homerton Overground Station. Currently pedestrians who use this route have to walk in the carriageway. The narrowness of the road also contributes to conflicts between drivers within the carriageway.

With this in mind, the Council has been working on proposals to reduce vehicular traffic speeds and improve the safety of pedestrians using this walking route.

What is the proposed scheme?

Please download the drawing using the link at the bottom of the page for details.

Mackintosh Lane

  • Construction of a 1.6m footway along the west side of Mackintosh Lane running from opposite number 6b to the junction of Homerton High Street. This would provide pedestrians with safer access between Homerton Station and Homerton Hospital.
  • Introduction of a northbound one-way system from the end of Sedgwick Street up to Homerton High Street and a ‘no-entry’ into Mackintosh Lane from Homerton High Street. This aims to stop vehicle conflict from occurring and increase pedestrian safety.
  • Installation of width restrictions near the underpass to keep vehicles within the 20mph speed limit. The restrictions would provide additional safety to pedestrians using the underpass to get to and from Berger Road.

Homerton High Street

  • Introduction of a raised crossing along Homerton High Street at the junction of Mackintosh Lane to improve pedestrian safety.
  • Changes to road markings and new permanent and temporary signage to inform of the new road layouts.

Other planned works around the area

Separate to this consultation, other works will be implemented to prevent parking along the footways and improve the public realm.

  • Installation of bollards at various locations to prevent obstructive parking on the footway.
  • Installation of additional lights at the underpass between Mackintosh Lane and Berger Road, making the area safer and more inviting to pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Installation of bollards at the entrance of the underpass on Mackintosh Lane to stop illegal parking in the underpass.
  • Planting three new trees to improve the streetscape and stop drivers parking on the footways.

What happens next?

Your views will be taken into account as part of the detailed design process. We will publish the consultation responses as well as the decisions made at consultation.hackney.gov.uk

To keep up to date with this and other plans, please visit hackney.gov.uk/street-consultations

Permanent works

If the scheme goes ahead, following consultation, we expect construction works to start in late March 2019 with completion in seven to eight weeks.


  • Understanding views