598 results
Parkside Development Proposal - Resident Questionnaire
The Parkside Estate car park, garage site and multi-use games area is one of 14 locations across Hackney that will make up a new programme to build around 400 new homes. 75% of the new homes will be Council homes for social rent and prioritised for local residents through our local lettings policy – which means current residents in the local area with established housing needs would get first preference for new Council rented homes. This is part of the Council’s commitment to start... MoreClosed 9 March 2025 -
Selman and Wellday Development Proposal- Stage 2
Hackney Council is continuing its housing programme to deliver around 400 new homes across 14 locations, including the Selman & Wellday site. One hundred percent of these new homes will be council homes for social rent, prioritised for local residents with established housing needs. At Selman & Wellday, we expect to build around 22 new homes, including some wheelchair accessible homes. This initiative is part of our commitment to start building or support the construction of 1,000 new homes... MoreOpened 8 March 2025 -
Regents Court Development Proposal- Stage 2
Hackney Council is continuing its housing programme to deliver around 400 new homes across 14 locations, including Regents Court. This programme, consulted on in July last year, is part of our ongoing commitment to start building or support the construction of 1,000 new homes for social rent by 2026. Across the programme, 75% of the new homes will be council homes for social rent, prioritised for local residents with established housing needs. Our goal remains to address the housing shortage... MoreOpened 8 March 2025 -
Orwell Court and Welshpool Street Development Proposal- Stage 2
Hackney Council is continuing its housing programme to deliver around 400 new homes across 14 locations, including Orwell Court and Welshpool Street. This programme, consulted on in July last year, is part of our ongoing commitment to start building or support the construction of 1,000 new homes for social rent by 2026. Across the programme, 75% of the new homes will be council homes for social rent, prioritised for local residents with established housing needs. Our goal remains to address... MoreClosed 5 March 2025 -
28 Day Statutory Notice Period - Closure/Merger of Primary Schools
Hackney Council is consulting on changes that would affect up to six primary schools. This is because the significant fall in pupil numbers has caused the financial position of some of the borough’s schools to worsen to the point that it is no longer possible for the Council to maintain them. Following consultation between 8 October and 19 November 2024 the following notices have been published on 6 February 2025. Within 28 days from the date of publication of the proposals, any person... MoreClosed 5 March 2025 -
VCS Strategy Refresh and Grants Programme Redesign
VCS Strategy We’re refreshing our Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy 2019 - 2022 . The current strategy is high-level and long-term. It visualises the sector’s future and explores what we need to continue to thrive. This means much of what we found through engagement is still relevant today. However, some things have changed. This refresh provides an opportunity to reflect on what has changed and what we need to include in the strategy. Key themes that had emerged... MoreClosed 3 March 2025 -
Connecting Hoxton Updates
The projects listed in this flyer are the first of a number of improvements coming soon to Hoxton. Over the next two years, we will be consulting on projects which aim to create better facilities, improve green and public spaces, play areas and make the area better connected. We will also be consulting on the Hoxton East Liveable Neighbourhood Programme this summer. Improvements will focus on long-term schemes that encourage walking, cycling and the use of public... MoreOpened 1 March 2025 -
Love Hackney Awards - Catering Feedback
Thank you for attending the Love Hackney Awards event! We are eager to hear about your dining experience. Your feedback will help the Council to enhance our catering services for future events. This short survey consists of 4 questions and takes less than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time to complete this survey. MoreClosed 28 February 2025 -
Kings Crescent Phase 3 & 4- Temporary MUGA
As you may know, Hackney Council is committed to building more homes. Kings Crescent is entering the 3rd and 4th phase of regeneration, where a further 219 homes are being built. Our main contractor, Mulalley, have begun conducting enabling works on site. As part of the site preparations and building works, the Council will need to demolish the ball-court next to Theobalds Court. As a result, from November 2024 for the next 5 years, there will be no play facilities on the estate for... MoreClosed 28 February 2025 -
Help shape the future of Chatsworth Road
Help us improve Chatsworth Road We’re committed to creating a greener, healthier Hackney. That means cutting traffic emissions, improving air quality, and helping local people to live active and healthy lives. As part of that commitment, we’re proposing to reduce vehicle traffic along Chatsworth Road. These changes aim to make Chatsworth Road safer, greener, and more accessible for everyone - whether you’re walking, cycling, using public transport, or driving. Why... MoreClosed 21 February 2025 -
CYP Smoking and Vaping
Thank you for taking part in this survey which is about smoking and vaping among young people aged 12-24 in the City of London and London Borough of Hackney (City and Hackney). Completing this survey should take you around 5-10 minutes. The survey has been developed by the City and Hackney Public Health team to better understand the experiences of young people. We will use this information to help prevent the uptake of smoking and vaping among young people and to improve the support... MoreOpened 18 February 2025 -
Arden Estate - Landscaping Plans Consultation
As part of the wider ‘Connecting Hoxton Project,' we are proposing to improve your estate gardens with new landscaping features. These features include: herbs, native and fruiting hedges fruit trees benches, relocated play equipment bee posts, bug hotels and log piles Please see the proposal below: These proposals provide the opportunity to significantly increase the current levels of biodiversity within the estate, providing much needed... MoreClosed 14 February 2025 -
Hackney’s annual progress report on the Council’s Climate Implementation Plan 2023 - 2026
Tell us what you think about Hackney Council's annual progress report on the Council Climate Implementation Plan 2023 - 2026 (CIP) by taking part in a short survey. The annual progress report provides an update on the key practical and strategic actions to support the Council's climate response over the previous 12 months up until March 2024. The latest annual progress report on the CIP can be found in the following document: Full Annual progress report on Council... MoreClosed 14 February 2025 -
Hackney First 1001 Days & Beyond - Parent/Carer Survey
Parent & Carers It is important for us to hear directly from families (mothers, fathers, parents, carers, significant others) about your needs and your experiences of caring for a baby at all stages, from pregnancy through the first 1-2 years of life and beyond. We want to find out what information and help Hackney families feel they need, your awareness and experiences of services during this time and how we can support you, to support your baby to thrive. *please note that this... MoreOpened 10 February 2025 -
Colville Estate Phases 4-7 Development Proposal: Resident Consultation Feedback Form
Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation and thousands more on the waiting list for social housing. That’s why Hackney is building. Hackney Council has appointed a team led by architects Maccreanor Lavington to review and update the masterplan for Colville Estate phases 4-7. Since November 2023, the project team has been working to undertake a Masterplan Review and develop concept designs for the four... MoreClosed 10 February 2025 -
Help Shape the Future of 55 Morning Lane
Hackney Council purchased the 55 Morning Lane site in 2017 when Tesco put it up for sale, ensuring that the Council and the local community could help shape its future. The site is allocated in Hackney’s Local Plan for a mix of new homes, commercial spaces, and a supermarket. We are currently at an early stage of developing ideas for the site. This is not a detailed design or planning application but a process of testing high-level ideas and their viability to determine what the... MoreCreated 7 February 2025 -
Flood Risk Awareness Leaflets Feedback
Flooding can be devastating for people’s homes and businesses. It can lead to expensive recovery costs and potentially months out of your property while it dries before it is safe to return to. Being prepared is even more important now with the effects of climate change making weather patterns more extreme and unpredictable. The Environment Agency and Hackney Council are working together to create materials that will help residents and businesses in Hackney Wick feel prepared in... MoreClosed 3 February 2025 -
Hackney Homes for Hackney Children
What we’re doing We’ve secured funding to refurbish two Council buildings in order to create two small children’s homes in Hackney, to provide new homes for Hackney children who are in the care of the Local Authority. The two identified properties are: The former caretaker’s home next to Ann Tayler Children’s Centre The former caretaker’s home for Oldhill School, on Firsby Road Proposed plans The former caretaker's home at Ann Tayler... MoreCreated 29 January 2025 -
Community Safety Partnership Survey- Strategic Assessment and Priorities
Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) (formerly known as Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships) were formed in 1998 under the Crime and Disorder Act. They bring local partners together to develop and implement local strategies to reduce crime, disorder, and antisocial behaviour (ASB) in their communities. In order to do this, they must work together to deliver joined up, effective and long-lasting solutions to local problems outlined in a 3-year plan. A strategic assessment combines... MoreOpened 28 January 2025 -
Whiston Road - Proposed traffic calming measures
In our Transport Strategy, we have committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living in, working in and visiting the borough. We aim to create an environment that will promote and encourage more walking and cycling as these are clean, healthy and efficient ways to travel, to help improve air quality and reduce emissions within the local area. Whiston Road is a busy residential road with an average of 9500 vehicles, 740 pedal cycles and buses using the road per day.... MoreClosed 16 January 2025 -
Broadway Market Garage Storage
Following on from our 2022 survey exploring storage needs at Broadway Market, the council has now identified a potential development site for market trader storage and we invite you to share your thoughts and ideas as part of this consultation. We are seeking the valuable input of Broadway Market traders, to ensure this new facility meets specific requirements. We want to understand specific storage needs — how much space is required, the type of storage envisioned and any other... MoreClosed 10 January 2025 -
Stage Four Consultation - Review of parking controls in Zone W Area (Stamford Hill West)
Important update: Parking Zone W Consultation unique reference number and new questionnaire Dear Resident/Business You recently received a consultation pack about the Parking Zone W Stage 4 Review consultation. Due to an administrative error, your unique reference number was not included in the consultation questionnaire and the parking design proposals on page 3 of the questionnaire were incorrect as they excluded a proposal and were misaligned. On Friday, 15... MoreClosed 6 January 2025 -
Stage Four consultation - Review of parking controls in Zone Y Area (Stamford Hill East/Springfield)
Important update: Parking Zone Y Consultation unique reference number and new questionnaire Dear Resident/Business You recently received a consultation pack about the Parking Zone Y Stage 4 Review consultation. Due to an administrative error, your unique reference number was not included in the consultation questionnaire. On Friday, 15 November 2024, a new questionnaire was posted to you which includes your reference number. I f you have not received a new... MoreClosed 6 January 2025 -
Hackney Markets and Street Trading Fees and Charges 2025-2026
Why are you being consulted? The Council is reviewing the current fees and charges to ensure compliance with Section 32 of the London Local Authorities Act 1990 (LLA 1990). This legislation requires a licence to display goods for sale or provide services for profit—such as placing tables and chairs on Council land or within seven metres of any public highway. This includes market stalls, shop fronts, and mobile vehicles trading from fixed positions. The Act permits the Council... MoreClosed 31 December 2024 -
Fostering Survey
Over the last few years, the country has experienced a decline in the number of people putting themselves forward to foster, whilst the need for new foster carers increases. This is a growing issue for local authorities, who incur large costs placing children with Independent fostering agencies whilst not always getting the best service. Having more in-house carers would not only save the service money, but enable funds to be redirected into better support for our children... MoreClosed 23 December 2024 -
Cherbury Court Development Proposal
Cherbury Court’s former Florence Bennett Centre and garages have been identified as a potential location for new homes without the demolition of existing ones. Wider improvements to the estate and neighbourhood would also be delivered as part of the development project. In December 2022, the Council’s Cabinet approved the plan to work with a design team and residents to develop detailed plans for the new homes on these estates. We have appointed the following design team and... MoreClosed 21 December 2024 -
Hugh Gaitskell House - Replacement Of Existing CCTV System
CCTV on Estate is monitored by the Public Space Surveillance Service in the Hackney Control Centre 24/7. Dedicated monitoring of estate cameras is conducted on every shift by the team. In some sites where there is a concierge present, the concierge officer will also have access to those cameras for additional observations. All footage is recorded for 28days to allow for police and officers to request footage for evidence. Hackney Council is currently carrying out a project to replace... MoreClosed 16 December 2024 -
Have your say on the 2026/27 admissions arrangements of schools in Hackney
Hackney Education is consulting on the admission arrangements for community schools for the school year 2026-2027. This includes: Admission arrangements for Hackney Community Schools Admission arrangements for Stoke Newington School Sixth Form Scheme of Coordination for Reception and Year 7 admissions Scheme of Coordination for In Year admissions The following 10 voluntary aided schools and academies in Hackney are also consulting on their admission... MoreClosed 15 December 2024 -
Sexual and Reproductive Health Campaign
We are seeking your input on a Sexual and Reproductive health campaign aimed at encouraging men in our community to test more regularly. As part of this project, we are considering using beer mats and posters in pubs and bars as tools to share important information and start conversations. Your feedback is essential in ensuring that these materials are effective, engaging, and respectful. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and help us create informative... MoreClosed 15 December 2024 -
Experimental School Street SS52 at Grasmere Primary School
Hackney Council is gathering views on School Street zone SS52 at Grasmere Primary School. A School Street is where a road, or some roads, temporarily becomes a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone during school opening and closing times, whilst maintaining access for residents, pedestrians and cyclists. The purpose of School Streets is to tackle congestion, improve road safety, air quality and accessibility, and encourage active and sustainable travel for the journey to school. Why we are... MoreClosed 7 December 2024
598 results.
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