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560 results

  • Albion Drive - Queensbridge Primary School - School Streets proposal

    Hackney Council is gathering views on a proposed School Street scheme to improve local air quality and make it safer and easier for children to walk and cycle to school. Albion Drive would become a timed pedestrian and cycles only zone at school opening times and closing times whilst maintaining access for residents, pedestrians and cyclists. The purpose is to tackle congestion at the school gates and improve the environment for sustainable travel to school. Residents who live on the street... More
    Opened 2 March 2020
  • Have your say on changes to motorcycle parking in Hackney

    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation has been extended for a further 12 weeks until Monday 10 August 2020. This is to ensure that you have more time to give your feedback on the proposals and take part in engagement events online. To register for our engagement events, please click here . If you have already responded to this consultation, you do not need to do so again. We would like your views on a number of proposed changes to rules governing motorcycle... More
    Opened 24 February 2020
  • Draft S106 Planning Contributions SPD Consultation

    Draft S106 Planning Contributions SPD Consultation The draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the Council’s approach to securing planning obligations. Planning obligations are negotiated between the Council and developers and can take the form of: ● requirements for parts of a development to be used in certain ways eg. affordable housing. ● requirements for certain works to be undertaken or restrictions and/or requirements on the form of the development eg ... More
    Opened 18 February 2020
  • Green Lanes: Woodberry Grove to Petherton Road

    Hackney Council is working to improve safety for all road users along Green Lanes between Newington Green and Woodberry Grove. Between November 2015 and October 2018 a total of 51 crashes, which resulted in personal injuries, were recorded on Green Lanes between Newington Green and the borough boundary with Haringey, (excluding Manor House Station junction which is a TfL junction). The total number of casualties was 57, of which one was a fatal accident, seven were... More
    Opened 6 February 2020
  • Your views on the Council's publications: 'Hackney Today, 'Hackney Life' and 'Our Homes'.

    Hackney Council has produced Hackney Today, a fortnightly newspaper distributed to all homes and businesses in the borough, for nearly 20 years, providing news and information about Council services, decisions, events and opportunities. Last year, the High Court ruled that Hackney Today could no longer be published fortnightly, and must be published quarterly instead. Since then, the Council has trialled Hackney Life, an information publication that is published in months when Hackney... More
    Opened 3 February 2020
  • Help Shape Early Help In Hackney

    We are currently reviewing how we approach children's and young people's Early Help services at Hackney Council and we want residents' and partners' feedback on what would make an effective Early Help offer for people in the borough. Early Help is a mix of opportunities and support designed to help children, young people and their families to maintain good health and wellbeing, to develop the skills and resilience that will help them thrive in life, and manage challenges they may be... More
    Opened 28 January 2020
  • Shepherdess Walk Park Play Area

    Have your say on the refurbishment of the play area in Shepherdess Walk Park. The play area will be focused on providing fun and challenging play opportunities for younger children. The play area will have more equipment, including swings, slides and climbing structures all set in a playable landscape. Don't worry the sheep are staying! We would like to hear your views on the proposed design of the play area and what other improvements we could make to the park in the future.... More
    Opened 28 January 2020
  • Brooke Road Junction With Evering Road - Proposed road safety scheme

    Help us to improve the junction of Brooke Road and Evering Road. Why are these changes being proposed for this junction. The Council is committed to making our roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. These changes aim to create an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling, improve air quality and reduce emissions within the local area. Our Transport Strategy includes a Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan, which recognises that local... More
    Opened 27 January 2020
  • Stage Four consultation - Review of parking controls in Zone T Area (Stamford Hill)

    As part of our Parking Enforcement Plan (PEP) we have made a commitment to review Parking Zones (PZ) within a year of implementation to ensure that the parking controls in the area continue to meet the needs of residents and businesses. During the stage 1 and 2 consultation process concerning the extension of Zone T, residents provided feedback and raised requests for shorter operational hours. As a result of this, a commitment was made to conduct a review of Zone T after the... More
    Opened 20 January 2020
  • Future City and Hackney Wellbeing Network service resident consultation

    The City and Hackney Public Health Team are in the process of designing the future Wellbeing Network, a service that provides public mental health support to City and Hackney residents. We are really interested to hear from a wide range of residents about what you think is important for the new service, whether you have used the service or not. Please could you complete the following short survey, which should take no more than 15 minutes, by 11th February 2020? ... More
    Opened 14 January 2020
  • Stoke Newington Low Emissions Neighbourhood Workshop

    Thank you for your interest in joining in the Stoke Newington Low Emissions Neighbourhood workshop. We are bringing local people together for an evening of discussion about how Hackney Council can use funding from the Mayor of London's Air Quality Fund to improve Stoke Newington Church Street and the surrounding area. The funding could see: • improvements to the public realm and green spaces to encourage walking and cycling • improved crossings on various... More
    Opened 6 January 2020
  • Improving signage on Hackney’s Council estates

    The Council own and manage more than 30,000 homes across hundreds of estates in Hackney, with a huge mix of styles ranging from 1930s mansions blocks to 1960s towers and brand new 21st Century Council homes. While every estate has its own distinct character, they want to ensure the information and signage across all of our homes is inclusive, legible, and up-to-date, helping residents feel proud of where they live. The estates use a wide variety of signage from different eras, much... More
    Opened 18 December 2019
  • S.77 Consultation: Shoreditch Park Primary School

    Hackney Council is redeveloping the Britannia Leisure Centre site to deliver a new secondary school, new homes – including genuinely affordable social rent and shared ownership homes – and a new state-of-the-art leisure centre. As a part of this project, we have invested over £700,000 in Shoreditch Park Primary School, and will invest more than £2m, including a new early years centre attached to the school campus. To deliver the next phase... More
    Opened 17 December 2019
  • Social value discussion group registration

    Every five years Hackney Council employs a number of building contractors who will be responsible for carrying out some of the biggest repair, maintenance, and improvement and redecoration work to its homes and estates. New contractors must demonstrate how they can provide ‘social value’ in order to work with us - this could include anything from how the contractor will support local employment opportunities to how the contractor will take action to improve the environment. The... More
    Opened 16 December 2019
  • New Homes for the De Beauvoir Estate

    We’re working alongside the De Beauvoir Estate community to develop plans for much-needed new homes at five underused sites on the estate. These are part of Hackney Council’s not-for-profit housebuilding programme , which is directly delivering around 2,000 high-quality new homes across more than 20 sites between 2018–2022 – more than half for social rent and shared ownership. More
    Opened 28 November 2019
  • Hackney Markets, Street Trading and Shop Front Fees and Charges 2020-2021

    Why are you being consulted? We are proposing to update street and shop front trading fees and charges, which were last updated in April 2016. This is because since then, the running costs of our markets, which include waste management, infrastructure costs and storage costs, have increased significantly. We are proposing to update charges in April 2020 (subject to this consultation) to ensure they are fair and transparent, and to ensure our markets are self-funding by the 2021/22. ... More
    Opened 18 November 2019
  • Ravensdale Road Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements

    We are seeking your views on proposals for pedestrian accessibility improvements on Ravensdale Road. Following requests from the local community, the Council is proposing to introduce an informal crossing point to improve safety conditions for vulnerable road users and school children in particular. Why are these changes being proposed? The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. The proposed... More
    Opened 12 November 2019
  • Full Fibre Internet for Social Housing Residents

    Internet is now the ‘fourth utility’, an everyday necessity alongside water, electricity, and gas. Hackney Council is working to enable the installation of modern full fibre internet connections to all social housing in the borough, so that tenants and leaseholders will have access to some of the fastest and most reliable connections in London at some of the most affordable prices. More
    Opened 29 October 2019
  • Fortnightly waste collections consultation

    We are consulting on reducing the frequency of non-recyclable waste collections from every week to every two weeks at street-level properties (generally houses, or houses that have been converted into flats, which have green sack recycling services) in Hackney. This will not affect flats above shops or properties with communal bins, typically including estates and new build blocks. These proposals will not affect recycling or food waste, which will continue to be collected every... More
    Opened 30 September 2019
  • Internet Connectivity Business Survey

    Do you own or work for a Hackney business, and have an interest in how the business accesses and uses the internet? Complete our 5 min survey and help us improve internet connectivity in Hackney! Hackney Council is working to improve internet connectivity in the borough for residents and businesses. At present only around 5% of SME business premises can access full fibre internet connections, and we aim to fix this. Full fibre is fast and reliable. Some of the things it could help... More
    Opened 23 September 2019
  • Frampton Park Estate Consultation September 2019

    As you may be aware, East architects are working with Hackney Council to design two new council housing projects on the Frampton Park Estate to provide much needed new homes. We are proposing to build around 50 homes on the site of the current Frampton Park Community Hall and the adjacent depot, as well as around 15 homes to replace the garages at Tradescant House. These are part of more than 2,000 much-needed new council homes that Hackney Council is proposing to build across over 20... More
    Opened 20 September 2019
  • Bowel Cancer Focus Group Registration

    The Council are planning a campaign to improve awareness of the early signs of cancer among people from Black and minority ethnic groups*. It also aims to encourage people to seek help much earlier from their GP and health services to improve earlier diagnosis of cancer among this group in Hackney. They plan to run two focus groups, depending on the number interested, and they will be held at a central Hackney location. You will be given a £20 Love2Shop voucher for taking part. ... More
    Opened 13 September 2019
  • Hackney Central Conversation: Arts & Cultural Sector Workshop

    Hackney Council's Cultural Development, Consultation and Regeneration teams are holding a consultation event specifically for the arts and cultural sector to provide feedback on the draft strategy for Hackney Central. This will be an opportunity for local organisations working in the Hackney Central area to comment on how local cultural provision should align with the strategy's objectives and its development and growth in the area. ... More
    Opened 4 September 2019
  • Central London Cycle Grid Queensbridge Road Section I between Hackney Road and Whiston Road

    Help us improve cycling on Queensbridge Road between Hackney Road and Whiston Road We are seeking your views on proposals that will create a protected cycling route along Queensbridge Road to form part of a network of safe cycling routes between the Quietway link at Whiston Road and Quietway 13 at Columbia Road. Hackney Council is working in partnership with Tower Hamlets and Transport for London (TfL) to make cycle accessibility improvements on Queensbridge Road... More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Fairholt Road - Boundary Change

    Since the publication of the Parking Zone V consultation results in July 2019 (see delegated report ), the Council has received requests and a petition from residents of Fairholt Road for controls to be introduced (see consultation documents). This is due to parking stress caused by an increased number of drivers seeking parking spaces on this street. In response to these requests received and... More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Walford Road area Road Safety and Traffic Reduction scheme

    Proposal to reduce motor traffic and improve road safety in the immediate Walford Road area In December 2017 and January 2018, we consulted on proposals to control traffic and improve the local environment for residents and road users in the immediate Walford Road area. Having considered the responses to the previous consultation exercise, and concerns expressed about their potential impacts on air quality, we are carrying out a new consultation on a proposal to... More
    Opened 2 September 2019
  • Hackney Travel Behaviour Survey 2019 - Public

    Hackney Council wants to find out about how you get to work as part of our annual Borough-wide transport survey to encourage greener travel and to hear any suggestions that you may have about improving your journey on public transport. Take the survey for your chance to win £100 cash prize! Employers can also apply for grants of up to £2,000 towards sustainable transport promotion or facilities. In order to apply businesses will need at least 30 per cent of their employees to respond.... More
    Opened 1 September 2019
  • Digital Connectivity Group Discussions

    Digital connectivity for Hackney - Share you views and experience and get a £20 voucher! Hackney Council is working to improve digital connectivity in the borough and we would like to hear from you. We are running a series of group discussions and are looking for a diverse range of Hackney residents to take part. The focus of discussions will be on our vision for digital connectivity in Hackney. We want to make sure that people in Hackney have access to fast broadband internet... More
    Opened 22 July 2019
  • Lancell Street, Dumont and Dynevor Roads – William Patten Primary School - School Streets proposal

    Hackney Council is gathering views on a proposed School Street scheme to improve local air quality and make it safer and easier for children to walk and cycle to school. Lancell Street, Dumont and Dynevor Roads would temporarily become a pedestrian and cycle only zone at school opening times and closing times whilst maintaining access for residents, businesses, pedestrians and cyclists. The purpose is to tackle congestion at the school gates and improve the environment for sustainable... More
    Opened 15 July 2019
  • Draft Inclusive Economy Strategy

    The Draft Inclusive Economy Strategy sets out our vision for a more inclusive local economy, and sets out the approach the Council is taking to promote this over the next five years. There is growing recognition, nationally and globally that existing models of economic development which focus solely on economic growth and expect the benefits to trickle down to the wider community have not worked. They have allowed inequality to increase.This draft strategy responds to community concerns... More
    Opened 4 July 2019
560 results. Page 10 of 19