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549 results

  • Have your say on blue badge parking

    Summary Following requests from resident blue badge holders, Hackney Council is proposing to introduce personalised disabled bays in Hackney and amend the current companion badge parking permissions. The aim is to: better protect disabled parking for residents who most need it, and make parking for other blue badge holders simpler to understand. Why are we proposing to make these changes? ... More
    Closed 5 November 2018
  • Stage One consultation on the Introduction of Parking Controls in proposed zone V area (Woodberry Down, Stamford Hill West and Springfield wards)

    Parking Services consulted you and surrounding roads in your area between October and November 2015 on the introduction of parking controls. The results of the consultation indicated that none of the streets in your area were in support of parking controls so these were not introduced. Since then, we have received both a petition and individual requests from residents for parking controls to be introduced in your area in order to: Improve road... More
    Closed 17 October 2018
  • Help Shape Carer's Services in Hackney - Carer's Questionnaire

    Adult carers or residents who regularly provide help and assistance to someone over the age of 18 are being asked to share their views on services the Council provides to support them. We're interested in hearing about your experiences as an unpaid adult carer and finding out about what you think a really good service for adult carers in Hackney would look like. This is your chance to tell us what works well, what you value and what needs to improve. If you look after a... More
    Closed 15 October 2018
  • Hackney Transport Survey 2018 - Public

    Hackney Council would like to find out how residents who work in Hackney travel to work as part of a huge borough-wide survey to encourage greener travel. The information from this survey will help us understand how people travel to work, what would encourage people to walk and cycle more or reduce their reliance on a car. This would allow us to see what we are doing well and what we can do to improve and encourage greener travel in the borough. If you work in Hackney, please take... More
    Closed 14 October 2018
  • Leaseholder & Freeholder Open Day Workshops

    At the Leaseholder & Freeholder Open day, we are seeking the views of Hackney Leaseholders & Freeholders through two workshops. Those who attend and contribute to a one hour workshop will be given a £20 Love2Shop voucher as a thank you for taking part. The two workshops are: 1. Sevice satisfaction A workshop which explores service satisfaction levels - what is working well, what is not - and how to improve our services to leaseholders & freeholders. We will also be exploring... More
    Closed 7 October 2018
  • De Beauvoir Chicane Survey

    Police officers that patrol the estate have received numerous complaints from residents regarding mopeds and motorbikes riding through the estate, particularly in the area close to St Helier Court leading to the canal path and Whitmore Bridge, which is dangerous to both pedestrians and cyclists. In response to this, the Council is proposing to install chicane gates to reduce misuse and protect residents of De Beauvoir Estate. The gates would be Disability Discrimination Act compliant which... More
    Closed 5 October 2018
  • Consultation on Hackney's Draft Single Equality Scheme 2018-21

    The Single Equality Scheme is Hackney Council's strategy for making sure the borough becomes a fairer and more equal place to live and work. Hackney is changing fast. The population has increased by a third since 2000, there are more affluent people, house prices have doubled since 2010. Most people are statisfied with the borough as a place to live, but there are growing inequalities. Mayor Philip Glanville has made ‘tackling inequality’ the first of his five priorities,... More
    Closed 30 September 2018
  • Single Equality Scheme Workshops

    Have your say on Hackney's Equalities Plan Hackney Council has created a Single Equality Scheme to identify groups who may be disadvantaged and ensure services are run in a way that bring people and communities together. Hackney residents are invited to have their say through a series of workshops: Residents who are Trans and Non-Binary - Tuesday 18 September, 7.00 - 8.30 PM All residents - Thursday 20 September,... More
    Closed 21 September 2018
  • Hackney Carnival Audience Feedback Survey

    Thank you very much for attending this year's Hackney Carnival, we hope that you had a great time! Please use this short survey to share your thoughts on the event. Your feedback will be useful and help us to plan events in the future. More
    Closed 16 September 2018
  • Gambling Statement of Principles Consultation

    Hackney Council is the Licensing Authority under the Gambling Act 2005. This gives the Council responsibility for issuing gambling premises licences and a range of permits to local authorities. More
    Closed 14 September 2018
  • New Build Services Survey

    The council are interested in your initial experience of moving into your new home in Kings Crescent. Your views help us to understand what parts of the viewings, sales or allocations, moving in and initial maintenance experiences have worked well for you and your family and which could be improved. There will be a separate survey sent out in the near future, looking at what parts of the interior and communal areas of your home work well for you, and which could be improved. Please... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Brunswick Place Gate - Public Realm Improvement Scheme

    Help us to improve Brunswick Place We are seeking your views on this proposed scheme to create a new high quality public space on Brunswick Place. Why This is part of a new approach to making the streets of Shoreditch and Hoxton work better for people - a long term vision to create streets that are safe and easy to walk or cycle on, reducing vehicle dependence and improving air quality. The Council’s Transport Strategy recognises that roads and streets in our... More
    Closed 29 July 2018
  • Mayor's Office Review Consultation

    A review of the Mayor’s Office was commissioned by the Chief Executive in September 2017 as part of a wider restructure of the Chief Executive’s Directorate. The review is being led by Stephen Haynes, Director of Strategy, Policy & Economic Development, as the Director responsible for the service. Stephen attended LPG in May 2018 to provide an update on the review; his presentation can be viewed here . The desired outcomes of the review are set out in the presentation, and... More
    Closed 17 July 2018
  • Hackney’s Young People’s Survey 2017/2018

    Young Hackney and Hackney Youth Parliament are consulting with all young people aged 6- 19 about your experience taking part in the services which Young Hackney provides. This survey will help provide us with information to continue to improve the Young Hackney services for young people within our Borough. Your responses are entirely confidential. We will not use this information for anything else other than to assess youth provision in Hackney. More
    Closed 13 July 2018
  • Sustainability in Parks

    CC Image Clissold Park, courtesy of David Holt on Flickr Hackney has one of the largest expanses of green spaces in inner London. We have 58 parks, gardens and open spaces which welcome millions of visitors each year. The council would like to hear from you about how you use these green spaces, what you value about them, and how we might be able to make these spaces more environmentally sustainable in line with what park users would like to see. The following short survey... More
    Closed 4 July 2018
  • Housing Related Support Service Consultation

    Hackney Council is going to make changes to Housing Related Support, Floating Support and Housing with Care services in 2019 As part of this process, the Council is working with Advocacy Project, an independent organisation, to gather the views of current recipients of Housing related support services. Service users: To take part, please complete the following survey: Service User survey Providers: To take part, please complete the following survey: Provider... More
    Closed 1 July 2018
  • Hackney "Ditch the Fizz" Sugary Drinks Survey

    Sugar Smart Hackney aims to reduce excessive sugar consumption in the borough in order to improve health. More
    Closed 30 June 2018
  • HEARING SEND VOICES - a co-design Launch

    THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL If you woul like receive information on future events, please e-mail Welcome to the Hearing SEND voices - a co-design launch event registration page. The community event will be held at central Hackney location on Tuesday 26th June, from 6.30-8.00pm. Those taking part will be asked to discuss key issues in small groups in a ‘roundtable’ setting. Your feedback will help to shape Council policies around SEND and will also... More
    Closed 24 June 2018
  • How involved are you in your local community?

    This very brief consultation aims to measure your level of involvement in your local community. Do you provide unpaid help, for example, by helping an elderly neighbour? Or maybe you volunteer for a local school, or help out at a local charity? Or do you find it difficult because you are working? This short survey also looks at what would help you be more involved. More
    Closed 21 May 2018
  • Changes to bus services in Hackney

    In Hackney, most people do not own a car and rely on public transport to get around the borough and travel to other parts of London. While we have seen improvements with the opening of the London Overground, there are very few train and tube stations compared to other parts of London. There are over 40 daytime bus routes in Hackney, as well as a comprehensive network of night buses, so almost a quarter of Hackney residents use the bus as their main mode of... More
    Closed 27 April 2018
  • Things to Make you Think! Feedback

    Tell us what you thought. It was great to see you at our recent Things to Make you Think! Event. Please tell us what you thought... More
    Closed 17 April 2018
  • Clapton Park TMO CPZ Consultaion

    We are consulting with Clapton Park Management Organisation residents over the introduction of a controlled parking scheme on the estate to help alleviate both the existing and future issues that residents face with parking. Please note that this consultation relates to estate parking and not street parking, which has different charges and terms of use. You will find a consultation document attatched that provides details of the consultation process and the proposed parking scheme. To... More
    Closed 6 April 2018
  • 2017/18 Post Audit Survey

    Dear Colleague. To help us assess and improve the quality of the Council’s internal audit service, please complete this questionnaire. Please assess the quality and value of the recent work undertaken for you by Internal Audit More
    Closed 1 April 2018
  • Review of Parking Zone E and E.ext (Stoke Newington) Consultation

    As part of our Parking Enforcement Plan (PEP) we have made a commitment to review existing Parking Zones (PZ) to ensure that the controls in the area continue to meet the needs of residents and businesses. Parking Services are aware that there have been a number of changes to roads within Parking Zones E and E (ext) since the last review of parking controls were completed in 2011. The review process is a great opportunity for us to hear about your parking experience within your... More
    Closed 26 March 2018
  • Hackney Hate Crime Strategy

    Please read Hackney Council's draft strategy for tackling hate crime before completing the questionnaire by: 23 March 2018. Hate crime is often targeted towards a person’s identity and can have a harmful effect on its victims and whole communities. The police and the CPS define hate crime as any criminal offence that has been committed which the victim, or anyone else, thinks was motivated by “hostility or prejudice” based on: disability race religion... More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • Hackney VCS Grants Programme

    This survey is designed to obtain feedback on the 2018/19 Main Grant application process. The feedback will help to make appropriate changes to the application process and improve the experience for future application rounds. More
    Closed 21 March 2018
  • Great Eastern Buildings new resident survey

    Great Eastern is your neighbourhood and your opinions are important in helping shape its future. Your views help us to understand what parts of your new home work well for you and your family and which could be improved. This will inform future regeneration and development of the borough. Please take a moment to complete this short survey to help us ensure we provide residents with the best possible homes, both now and in the future. More
    Closed 7 March 2018
  • Stage One and Two 'combined' consultation - Introduction of parking controls in Zone U (Upper Clapton Area)

    The Council recently consulted and implemented parking controls in nearby roads in the Lea Bridge and Hackney Downs Wards in 2017. Since parking controls were introduced in the above areas, Parking Services have received a high number of requests for the introduction of parking controls from residents in your area who are experiencing difficulty with parking due to increased parking stress in the area. We recognise that the introduction of controls in the nearby area has had an... More
    Closed 5 March 2018
  • Hackney Council's Strategy for Tackling Hate Crime - Workshop Invitation

    Welcome to the Hate Crime Strategy Workshop registration page. Here you can sign up to the Workshops to give your ideas and feedback on how the draft strategy could make a difference in your community. We would also value your feedback on the key objectives and actions identified in the strategy and the role you and/ or your community could play in helping to implement the strategy. More
    Closed 2 March 2018
  • Future Shoreditch Issues and Options

    Take a look at the Future Shoreditch Issues & Options document and tell us what you think by completing this questionnaire. The document is available to view at various libraries and council offices and online at Details of the relevant sections of the document are included with each question. More
    Closed 28 February 2018
549 results. Page 12 of 19