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604 results

  • Well Street Traders Feedback Form - March

    Well Street Market Traders Feedback Questionaire relating to Saturday 4 March 2017. More
    Closed 17 March 2017
  • Needs of Vulnerable Migrants Questionnaire

    The Needs of Vulnerable Migrant research is looking at the extent to which there are individuals in Hackney who may be vulnerable due to their migration history, how accessible Council services are for them, what barriers exist to access and what impact unmet needs have. 'Vulnerable' is defined for this work by a range of determinants of vulnerability. This may include personal vulnerabilities, e.g. mental health conditions from past trauma, difficulty communicating in English, low income... More
    Closed 3 March 2017
  • Pharmacy Stop Smoking Services

    This survey is for tobacco control leads and or commissioners of stop smoking services (SSS) in pharmacies in London boroughs. The aim of the survey is to get a sense of how pharmacies are currently commissioned to deliver SSS across London. The results of the survey, which will be presented at the next London TC Network meeting in March 2017 will provide a representative picture of the different commissioning models currently used in London and help to inform future commissioning decisions.... More
    Closed 1 March 2017
  • Join Hackney Matters

    Connecting people where it matters - Hackney Needs You!! Hackney Council values the views and opinions of residents and believe it is important to gather feedback about services run by the Council now and in the future. This is so it can continue to provide services that people want, and improve on the work the Council currently does. To support the Council in doing this, it has set-up the Hackney Matters panel to help gather the opinions of local people. The Hackney Matters... More
    Closed 28 February 2017
  • Telecare Charging Consultation

    Telecare is a service that can help older, disabled, or vulnerable people to live more independent lives. It is made up of three parts: Equipment that monitors people at home (often a pullcord or pendant) and can raise an alarm in an emergency A monitoring service that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can call listed friends and family members, or the response service and emergency services if needed A response service with trained staff who work 24... More
    Closed 26 February 2017
  • Hackney Young People's Survey 2016

    This survey is open to all young people aged 6 - 19 who live/work or study in Hackney. It is being conducted by Young Hackney together with the Hackney Youth Parliament. Young Hackney is Hackney Council’s service for all young people aged 6 – 19 in the borough. We run a wide range of activities, including youth clubs, sports activities volunteering and youth leadership projects. Young Hackney offers advice on health, careers, relationships and money and gives extra support to young... More
    Closed 20 February 2017
  • Britannia site Development Proposal

    The Council is considering whether it would be possible to build a new leisure centre to replace Britannia – which is coming to the end of its life – and a new secondary school to help meet the demand for school places for local children. This would be funded in part by the sale of housing, which would also be built on the site. We are looking at the Britannia site, in Hyde Road and bordering Pitfield Street, because it is a large site in Council-ownership, and we... More
    Closed 12 February 2017
  • Abney Park Improvements

    Hackney Council is applying for a Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Parks for People Grant’ to improve Abney Park. The grant, will make Abney Park more accessible, safer, and financially viable, as well as promote and protect its heritage, wildlife and diversity. In order to increase the chances of a successful bid, the Council is seeking the views of park users and Hackney residents on what works well at Abney Park, what improvements could be made, and how to attract more visitors. More
    Closed 10 February 2017
  • Neighbourhood Housing Consultation

    We are reviewing how tenants and leaseholders access the Council’s housing services because the way residents are using our services is changing, with fewer people coming into our neighbourhood housing offices. At the same time, the Government has announced a one per cent reduction in rent for social housing tenants. Rents help us provide the services you need. The reduction means we need to improve the efficiency of our services and find the savings to cover the imposed... More
    Closed 3 February 2017
  • Rivington Street and Charlotte Road Pedestrian, Cycle and Air Quality Improvements

    This document outlines Hackney Council’s proposals to improve the environment for cycling and walking on the Central London Cycle Grid along Rivington Street and its junction with Charlotte Road. More
    Closed 20 January 2017
  • Local Plan 2033 (LP33)

    A New Local Plan For Hackney What is the Local Plan 2033? The Local Plan will set out a vision for what Hackney will be like in 2033 and the planning policies to guide and manage development and investment in the borough. It will help to ensure development serves the needs of the borough and will allow the Council and local people to influence development. Why do we need a new Local Plan? A new Local Plan can help to ensure that the right amount of development happens in the... More
    Closed 16 January 2017
  • Bradbury Street weekend closure consultation

    The Council is committed to making Hackney a vibrant and safe place for everyone living and working in the borough. Creating an environment that supports better access for pedestrians is part of the Council’s vision for Dalston Town Centre. Bradbury Street is one of Hackney’s oldest shopping streets, boasting a number of unique independent businesses offering a mix of food, fashion and art. In the past few years, it has seen an increase in vehicle traffic... More
    Closed 15 January 2017
  • Mare Street Cycle Link between London Lane and St Thomas’s Square Quietway 2

    This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the crossing facility for cyclists across Mare Street, between London Lane and St Thomas’s Square. More
    Closed 6 January 2017
  • Licensing Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016

    The Licensing Service administer a wide range of licenses to individuals and businesses, from trading and sale of alcohol to owning exotic pets. To help us to improve the Licensing Service, please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will play a vital role in our improvement and will only take a few minutes to complete. More
    Closed 2 January 2017
  • Environmental Health Business Satisfaction Survey 2016

    Environmental Health ensure all businesses that prepare, sell or transport food maintain that the food they handle is safe to eat, of an acceptable quality and is properly labelled. The businesses must also protect the public and their staff from any potential health and safety hazards. To help us to improve the Environmental Health Service, please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will play a vital role in our improvement and will only take a few minutes to complete.... More
    Closed 2 January 2017
  • Trading Standards Business Satisfaction Survey 2016

    The Trading Standards Service ensures that there is fair and safe trading in Hackney and protects the interests of consumers and businesses. The Service enforce a wide range of consumer legislation, and provide advice to Hackney residents and businesses. To help us to improve the Trading Standards Service, please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will play a vital role in our improvement and will only take a few minutes to complete. More
    Closed 2 January 2017
  • Stage One and Two 'combined' consultation - Introduction of parking controls in Zone N displacement area (Lea bridge and Homerton area)

    We consulted you between November and December 2016 on the introduction and design of parking controls for your area. More
    Closed 23 December 2016
  • Harrington Hill Primary School Traffic Calming Scheme

    This consultation document is about gathering views from the local community on the traffic calming proposals on Mount Pleasant Lane. Improving road safety and managing the borough’s road network as effectively and efficiently as possible are key transport priorities for Hackney Council. To achieve this, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer, more accessible street environment for road users, and to reduce the impact of traffic on local... More
    Closed 23 December 2016
  • School Based Health Services survey

    Dear Head Teacher / SENCO, The London Borough of Hackney is interested in your views on improving the way in which school nursing services are provided in the borough. As you may well be aware, there are three distinct school nursing services in the London Borough of Hackney and the City of London. Please see the below information about school nursing services in the borough. This will also be available as you go through and answer the questions. School nursing services... More
    Closed 21 December 2016
  • Lower Clapton Road Accessibility and Traffic Calming Improvements

    The Council is committed to improving the quality of life for people who live and work in the borough. To achieve this, the Council will, from time to time, fund projects that encourage people to venture out more and enjoy the lovely neighbourhoods that the borough offers. This document sets out Hackney Council’s proposals and seeks the views of residents on improvements to be carried out at Lower Clapton Road to the east of Clapton Pond. ... More
    Closed 17 December 2016
  • Review of Event Day controls (Parking Zones G, G2 and M).

    Parking Services are reviewing the event day controls in your area as we would like to know whether the current controls within your zone continue to meet your needs. As a part of our Parking and Enforcement Policy (PEP) we have promised to review parking controls in your area every five to seven years to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of residents and businesses. The review process is a great opportunity for us to hear about your parking experience since the introduction of... More
    Closed 16 December 2016
  • Clissold Park User Survey 2016

    Clissold Park opened in 1889. The park remains one of the most popular in Hackney and last year received over 3 million visitors. The park has held a Green Flag award since 2006. These are given to the best green spaces in the country and are awarded each year to ensure the quality of the green space remains high. In 2009, the park was awarded funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards extensive restoration work to the fabric of the park and historic house. This funding comes to... More
    Closed 11 December 2016
  • Millfields Gym Equipment Consultation

    The Council would like to hear your views on potential alterations to the trim trail at Millfields. The trim trail runs around the perimeter of the park’s north-east corner and consists of equipment such as monkey bars, balancing beams and pull-up bars. It is designed to be used sequentially. The trim trail at Millfields is in need of updating and replacement. There are two options that the Council would like to explore for this, with funding available to implement one of... More
    Closed 9 December 2016
  • Hoxton Area – Cycle Route Improvements

    This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the environment for cycling and walking along the Central London Cycle Grid in the Hoxton area. More
    Closed 9 December 2016
  • Ridley Road Market Commodity Regulations

    The Council has been working on making improvements to the commodity process in Ridley Road Market. We have worked with the Ridley Road Market and Traders’ Association (RRMTA) to create a new and improved commodity process, which we hope will improve the market and allow traders to alter their licences to sell a better variety of commodities. More
    Closed 5 December 2016
  • Stage One and Two 'combined' consultation - Introduction of parking controls in Zone R displacement area (Rectory Road)

    Parking Services recently consulted between October and December 2016 on the introduction and design of parking controls for your area. More
    Closed 2 December 2016
  • Stage One and Two 'combined' consultation - Introduction of parking controls in Zone S displacement area (Hackney Downs)

    Parking Services recently consulted you between October and December 2016 on the introduction and design of parking controls for your area. More
    Closed 2 December 2016
  • Chatsworth Road/Millfields Road/Powerscroft Road New Signalised Junction

    This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the environment for cyclists and pedestrians at the Chatsworth Road/Millfields Road/Powerscroft Road junction. More
    Closed 2 December 2016
  • Have your say on Hackney Downs park

    We would like to hear your views about Hackney Downs Park. After requests from the local community to improve the facilities at Hackney Downs, the Council is starting an options study that will inform more detailed proposals for Hackney Downs next year. Many of the facilities in the centre of Hackney Downs are also underused and in need of improvement. As part of this options study, we would like your views on how Hackney Downs could be improved. More
    Closed 27 November 2016
  • Induction Review for Managers

    The Induction Review, as part of the Change for Everyone Programme, will look at the current induction package for the the corporate, local and new manager induction strands to see what works well and how it can be improved. This is building on our current offer for new starters, ensuring they understand the Council and its values, feel welcomed and are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to perform effectively and deliver great results for people who live, work in and visit our... More
    Closed 25 November 2016
604 results. Page 17 of 21