Crondall Street School Streets proposal
Results updated 29 Nov 2018
The Delegated Powers Decision making permanent the School Street scheme on Crondall Street and the decision audit showing the results of the consultation are both available to download below.
- Crondall Street - Delegated Powers Decision.pdf, 440.1 KB (PDF document)
- Crondall Street - Decision Audit Report.pdf, 454.1 KB (PDF document)
This consultation is about gathering views on a proposal to trial a school road safety scheme to make it safer and easier for children to walk and cycle to school.
Crondall Street would temporarily become a pedestrian and bicycles only zone for 45 minutes, twice a day at school opening and closing times to tackle congestion at the school gates and improve the environment for travel to school.
Residents who live on Crondall Street will be able to register for an exemption so they can still get to and leave their homes by car.
Why your views matter
The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough and creating an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling.
Primary schools in Hackney were invited to apply to take part in School Streets. Thirteen schools applied and St John the Baptist Church of England School was shortlisted to undergo public consultation on the proposal.
The school has asked to be part of the trial and has been selected because it experiences road safety issues at the school gates. The aim is to improve local air quality and make it easier and safer for children and parents to walk and cycle to their school.
A key objective is to create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone using Crondall Street whilst maintaining access for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.
Reducing the use of the private car for journeys to school, should lead to:
• less road danger from traffic
• less anti-social behaviour from inconsiderate parking and dangerous manoeuvres
• more walking, cycling and active lifestyles for pupils and parents
• less pollution around the school gates from vehicles waiting with their engines running.
What is the proposed scheme?
• Crondall Street will be made a pedestrian and cyclist only zone between 8.30am - 9.15am, and 3.15pm – 4:00pm.
• Access for residents to enter and exit the street will be maintained for vehicles registered for an exemption.
• Signage erected at the entrance to Crondall Street from Pitfield Street will inform drivers of the restrictions.
• Camera enforcement will be used to enforce the restrictions on non-registered vehicles
entering Crondall Street during the times of operation.
• Non-registered vehicles contravening the traffic order will be automatically issued a penalty charge notice.
• If approved, it is anticipated that the trial will be implemented in June 2017.
• The trial will run for 9 months.
• After the trial, a decision will be made on whether to make it permanent.
What happens next
Your feedback will help us to reach a decision on whether to proceed with these proposals. The results will be available at Should the Council agree to proceed with these proposals, residents will receive a letter to inform them about the start date for the scheme with details of how to register a vehicle or vehicles for exemption.
Public notices advising the changes will be displayed in the street.
- Traffic and transportation
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