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560 results

  • Levy Memorial Gardens Consultation

    Hackney Council is working in partnership with Groundwork London to develop a proposal for the improvement of Levy Memorial Gardens. The improvements will potentially be funded from the Pocket Parks Programme. More
    Opened 27 October 2014
  • Albion Parade Consultation

    Hackney Council is working in partnership with Groundwork London to develop a proposal for the improvement of Albion Parade. The improvements will potentially be funded from the Pocket Parks Programme. More
    Opened 27 October 2014
  • Review of Parking Zone Q (Well Street) Parking Consultation

    THIS CONSULTATION IS NOW CLOSED We are pleased to announce that the results of this consultation are now available. We would like to thank all those that responded to the consultation. Your feedback has helped us make an informed decision on the review of parking controls in your area. You can download a copy of the Delegated Report and Summary Booklet by clicking on the link below in the Results section at the bottom of this page. More
    Opened 24 October 2014
  • Butterfield Green User Survey

    Butterfield Green is a highly valued green space in Stoke Newington. It holds a Green Flag award which are given to the best green spaces in the country and are awarded each year to make sure the quality of the green space remains high. The Butterfield Green User Survey seeks to gather your views on Butterfield Green so we are better informed to improve and develop the green space in the future. More
    Opened 17 October 2014
  • Join Hackney Matters

    Connecting people where it matters - Hackney Needs You!! Hackney Council values the views and opinions of residents and believe it is important to gather feedback about services run by the Council now and in the future. This is so it can continue to provide services that people want, and improve on the work the Council currently does. To support the Council in doing this, it has set-up the Hackney Matters panel to help gather the opinions of local people. The Hackney Matters... More
    Opened 29 September 2014
  • New Housing Development in Hackney - the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission are seeking residents' views

    A group of Councillors are carrying out an independent review of housing in Hackney. They are focusing on new housing developments, and the extent to which they offer opportunities to residents across all income groups to rent, buy or access shared ownership properties in the borough. The Committee is very keen to hear the views of people living in the borough. They want to hear about general views of the housing market in Hackney, the role and approach that they feel that the... More
    Opened 17 September 2014
  • Hackney Workers Transport Survey 2014

    Hackney Council wants to find out how you get to work as part of a huge borough-wide survey to encourage greener travel. If you work in Hackney you can win £200 cash and employers can apply for grants of up to £1,000 towards sustainable transport promotion or facilities. In order to apply businesses will need at least 30 per cent of their employees to respond. The survey will help the Council understand how people travel to work, what would encourage people to walk and cycle more or... More
    Opened 15 September 2014
  • Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Pharmacy Survey

    The London Borough of Hackney and the City of London Corporation is preparing to update its Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). To ensure that the PNA accurately reflects the up to date situation in community pharmacy a questionnaire has been prepared for all pharmacy contractors. The results of this questionnaire together with information about the needs of our population will be used to prepare the revised PNA. This questionnaire should be completed by the regular pharmacist,... More
    Opened 8 September 2014
  • Local pharmacy services survey

    The London Borough of Hackney and the City of London Corporation would like to hear your views about pharmacy services in your area. A pharmacy may also be known as a chemist. In this instance it refers to a place you would use to get a prescription, buy medicines or seek medical advice on topics such as smoking, healthy weight, etc. This does not include pharmacies in hospitals. This survey will help local providers understand how local people like you use... More
    Opened 1 September 2014
  • Hackney Central Regeneration – Morning Lane Triangle

    Background One of the Council’s major development strategies is the regeneration of town centres around the borough to encourage investment opportunities to come to the borough. In line with this policy, a number of developments have either been implemented or are earmarked to take place over the next few years within the Hackney Central area. As part of this regeneration drive, the Council has developed proposals for public realm improvements outside the local shops on Morning... More
    Opened 22 August 2014
  • Clissold Park User Survey

    Clissold Park opened in 1889 and celebrates its 125th anniversary this year. The park remains one of the most popular in Hackney and last year received over 3 million visits. Clissold Park has held a Green Flag award since 2006. These are given to the best green spaces in the country and are awarded each year to make sure the quality of the green space remains high. More
    Opened 8 August 2014
  • Have your say on the proposal to return housing management to the Council

    Hackney Council and Hackney Homes would like your views on the proposal to return the management of your home to the Council. We are consulting you on the joint proposal to return housing management to the Council in April 2016. The outcome of this consultation will not affect your tenancy; you will remain a Council tenant with the same tenancy agreement. Every registered Hackney Homes’ secure and introductory tenant and leaseholder will be sent a letter, a questionnaire and a... More
    Opened 8 August 2014
  • Survey of potential FGM Services for Hackney

    In July 2013, we were successful in our application for a grant from the “Local Vision” systems leadership programme. The bid, from the Public Health Team and the Health and Well Being Board, aims to identify the required system change for reducing the risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) faced by girls and women in Hackney and to identify the services that might be needed by women who have experienced it. This work can only be successful if it includes hearing the views of the... More
    Opened 30 July 2014
  • Air Quality Action Plan 2014-2018

    We are asking residents, businesses and other statutory and non-statutory consultees to have their say about the proposed updated Air Quality Action Plan. The plan includes 28 objectives to improve air quality in the borough. More
    Opened 28 July 2014
  • Hackney Draft Transport Strategy 2014 - 2024

    We are now consulting on the future of transport in the borough for the next ten years with the launch of the Draft Transport Strategy 2014 - 2024. The transport strategy consists of an overarching document which sets out the Council’s strategic transportation aims, objectives and priorities, and six daughter plans that will make up the Hackney Transport Strategy: Hackney Transport Strategy Overarching Document Walking Plan Cycling Plan Public... More
    Opened 28 July 2014
  • Millfields Park Improvements

    The Council is delivering £700,000 of improvements at Millfields Park that includes work to pathways, entrances, the play area and the old paddling pool and want to hear your views. More
    Opened 19 July 2014
  • Northwold Road and Public Realm Consultation

    The Council is asking residents, stakeholders and motorist to have their say about new proposals to improve the public rhelm and pedestrian accessibility along Northwold Road (B111) between Stamford Hill (A10) and Upper Clapton Road (A107). More
    Opened 18 July 2014
  • Colville Estate Regeneration Fun Day 2014

    Each year the Colville Estate regeneration partners come together to celebrate the achievements and engage with local residents. The fun day will have redevelopment information and many other fun activities. More
    Opened 12 July 2014
  • Evering Road with Maury Road Junction Improvement Scheme

    Improving road safety and encouraging the use of sustainable transport modes are key transport priorities for Hackney Council. To achieve these, the Council has developed a programme of schemes to provide a safer and more accessible street environment for pedestrians and cyclists. The junction of Evering Road with Maury Road has been identified as a key pedestrian crossing location. There are a number of schools nearby and a significant proportion of pedestrian... More
    Opened 1 July 2014
  • Review of Parking Zone P (Victoria Park Village) Consultation

    THIS CONSULTATION IS NOW CLOSED We are pleased to announce that the results of this consultation are now available. We would like to thank all those that responded to the consultation. Your feedback has helped us make an informed decision on the review of parking controls in your area. You can download a copy of the Delegated Report, Summary Booklet Zone P, Zone P Map by clicking on the link below in the Results section at the bottom of this page. More
    Opened 27 June 2014
560 results. Page 19 of 19