Stage One Consultation: Introduction of Parking Controls in Stamford Hill (East & West)

Closed 22 Feb 2021

Opened 7 Dec 2020

Results updated 20 Oct 2021

We are pleased to announce that the result of the Stage 1 Consultation in Stamford Hill East & West has been reviewed and recommendations have been made. A copy of the delegated powers report which details the Councils decision has been attached below. Summary documents detailing the results of the consultation, final decision made by the Council and what happens next will be sent out by post to all residents and businesses in the area.





Since the 2018 parking zone consultation there has been increased parking stress on roads in Stamford Hill East & West, due to commuters, businesses and residents of neighbouring areas seeking to take advantage of the free parking and the expansion of controlled parking zones in nearby Zone U, Zone T and in neighbouring Haringey.

Following the receipt of individual requests and petitions for the introduction of parking controls in Stamford Hill East & West, the Council carried out a parking stress survey, which confirmed a number of roads are experiencing high levels of parking stress and parts of the area attract a substantial number of daytime visitors.

Therefore, we are consulting with all residents and businesses in Stamford Hill East & West to provide you with an opportunity to have your say on the introduction of parking controls on both your road and nearby uncontrolled roads. 

The introduction of a controlled parking zone seeks to :

  • Reduce parking stress caused by displacement parking from commuters, visitors and residents in nearby zones seeking free parking;
  • Provide parking spaces specifically for local residents and businesses;
  • Reduce traffic congestion;
  • Improve access for deliveries, home care visits, and tradespeople;
  • Improve local air quality; and
  • Improve road safety.

Please note this is a Stage 1 Consultation where a decision is being made on whether parking controls should be introduced or not. The enclosed map highlights the boundary of the area being consulted.

Should the residential and business community within the boundary support the introduction of parking controls, we will then carry out a Stage 2 consultation to gather your feedback on both the design of parking controls and the hours of operation for the area.

We have reviewed our processes to ensure all residents and businesses within a consultation area can express authentic views on parking related matters. As such, we have made some changes to our parking consultation policy, to guarantee the feedback received reflects the parking needs of the residents and businesses within the zone and allows the Council to make recommendations based on genuine responses. Full details of the changes can be found in the consultation pack. 



  • Traffic and transportation
  • Parking
  • Pollution
  • Sustainability
  • Business