Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area Public Consultation
Hackney Council is consulting on a revised boundary to the Dalston Lane (West)
Conservation Area along with a new draft Conservation Area Appraisal.
What is a Conservation Area?
Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural interest. It is the character of the area as a whole rather than the quality of specific buildings that is important. The historic layout of roads, paths, gardens and trees all contribute to this special character. Hackney Council designates Conservation Areas in order to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of these historic areas.
How does being in a Conservation Area affect you?
Conservation Areas enjoy special protection under the law. Below are some of the key requirements for works in Conservation Areas:
• You will need planning permission to demolish a building in a conservation area. Hackney Council will seek to keep all buildings that make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
• You must give us six weeks notice in writing before any work is carried out to lop, top or fell a tree in a Conservation Area. You can contact the Council’s Tree Officer for advice and help.
• You will need to demonstrate that any development proposal preserves or enhances the character and appearance of a Conservation Area. Hackney Council has greater control over building work in conservation areas, including materials and detailed design.
• You may need to apply for planning permission for alterations or extensions that would not normally need planning permission, such as minor roof alterations, dormer windows or a satellite dish. If you are in any doubt about whether you need planning permission, you can contact the Duty Planner on 020 8356 8062 or planning@hackney.gov.uk.
• Hackney Council also has greater control over the erection of advertisements and signs. For instance, the Council has the power to control shop signs, posters or estate agents boards that would not normally need permission.
Why your views matter
Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area was originally designated in 2005 at a time of profound physical change in the central Dalston area. Since 2005, central Dalston has continued to be under close scrutiny and development pressure, with the built heritage facing many threats. Hackney Council is therefore proposing a westward extension of the Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area to manage change carefully in this area. The current Conservation Area forms part of an old village core that includes historic open space and ribbon development, dating from both the Georgian and Victorian era. The proposed extension of the Conservation Area will include significant buildings that make up Hackney’s industrial past in and around Ashwin Street.
The map, which shows the existing Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area and the proposed extension, can be viewed in the 'Related Documents' section below.
Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area Appraisal
The Council has prepared a draft Conservation Area Appraisal as part of its proposals to revise the boundaries of the Conservation Area. The appraisal describes and analyses the particular character of Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area. This includes more obvious aspects such as its buildings, architectural details and open spaces, as well as attempting to portray the qualities that make the area unique. These include less tangible characteristics such as cultural and socio-economic influences.
The draft appraisal can be viewed in the 'Related Documents' section below.
Have your say
If you have any comments on the proposed extension of the Dalston Lane (West) Conservation Area, or on the draft Conservation Area Appraisal, click on the online survey below.
Drop-in event
From 28 Sep 2016 at 16:00 to 28 Sep 2016 at 19:00If you want to find out more about the consultation, and speak to officers involved, come to our drop-in event at Dalston Square (in front of CLR James Library).
Drop-in event
From 1 Oct 2016 at 12:00 to 1 Oct 2016 at 15:00If you want to find out more about the consultation, and speak to officers involved, come to our drop-in event at Dalston Square (in front of CLR James Library).
- Planning
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