586 results
Join Hackney Matters
Connecting people where it matters - Hackney Needs You!! Hackney Council values the views and opinions of residents and believe it is important to gather feedback about services run by the Council now and in the future. This is so it can continue to provide services that people want, and improve on the work the Council currently does. To support the Council in doing this, it has set-up the Hackney Matters panel to help gather the opinions of local people. The Hackney Matters... MoreClosed 28 February 2017 -
Pharmacy Stop Smoking Services
This survey is for tobacco control leads and or commissioners of stop smoking services (SSS) in pharmacies in London boroughs. The aim of the survey is to get a sense of how pharmacies are currently commissioned to deliver SSS across London. The results of the survey, which will be presented at the next London TC Network meeting in March 2017 will provide a representative picture of the different commissioning models currently used in London and help to inform future commissioning decisions.... MoreClosed 1 March 2017 -
Needs of Vulnerable Migrants Questionnaire
The Needs of Vulnerable Migrant research is looking at the extent to which there are individuals in Hackney who may be vulnerable due to their migration history, how accessible Council services are for them, what barriers exist to access and what impact unmet needs have. 'Vulnerable' is defined for this work by a range of determinants of vulnerability. This may include personal vulnerabilities, e.g. mental health conditions from past trauma, difficulty communicating in English, low income... MoreClosed 3 March 2017 -
Well Street Traders Feedback Form - March
Well Street Market Traders Feedback Questionaire relating to Saturday 4 March 2017. MoreClosed 17 March 2017 -
Have your say – unregistered educational settings in Hackney.
This survey forms part of a piece of work the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Commission is carrying out as a part of their work programme for 2016/17. Following a number of articles in the national media, in the spring and summer of 2016, that questioned the safety, safeguarding and the quality of education provided in allegedly unregistered educational settings (e.g. a Yeshiva) in the borough, the Commission has been conducting an investigation. MoreClosed 26 March 2017 -
2016/17 Post Audit Survey
Dear Colleague. To help us assess and improve the quality of the Council’s internal audit service, please complete this questionnaire. Please assess the quality and value of the recent work undertaken for you by Internal Audit MoreClosed 1 April 2017 -
Olinda Road Traffic Management Scheme
This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on the proposal to improve traffic flow for vehicles along Olinda Road. MoreClosed 7 April 2017 -
Cassland Road and Terrace Road Junction
This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the Cassland Road and Terrace Road junction for pedestrians, cyclist and buses. MoreClosed 7 April 2017 -
Well Street Traders Feedback Form - April
Well Street Market Traders Feedback Questionaire relating to Saturday 1 April 2017. MoreClosed 14 April 2017 -
Stamford Hill Area Action Plan
Residents can help to shape the future of Stamford Hill by having their say on the latest stage of the local Area Action Plan Hundreds of residents have so far shared their views and ideas as part of the drafting of Stamford Hill’s Area Action Plan. Once adopted, this planning document will provide a detailed planning framework for the next 15 years. It aims to manage the pressures and demands of future growth in the neighbourhood in a way that benefits the local community. MoreClosed 18 April 2017 -
Dalston Quarter consultation
Hackney Council is gathering views from residents, businesses and community groups on the principles which could shape the development of the Dalston Quarter. The Dalston Quarter refers to a group of Council owned buildings in the area around Ashwin Street and parts of Dalston Lane (see enclosed map) and forms part of Dalston Town Centre. Dalston Town Centre is undergoing rapid change, and there is potential for the creative and cultural benefits of the Council-led Dalston Quarter to help... MoreClosed 30 April 2017 -
Crondall Street School Streets proposal
This consultation is about gathering views on a proposal to trial a school road safety scheme to make it safer and easier for children to walk and cycle to school. Crondall Street would temporarily become a pedestrian and bicycles only zone for 45 minutes, twice a day at school opening and closing times to tackle congestion at the school gates and improve the environment for travel to school. Residents who live on Crondall Street will be able to register for an... MoreClosed 5 May 2017 -
Haggerston Baths Consultation
The aim of this project is to identify a long-term and self-sustaining future for the Haggerston Baths building and preserve public access to this unique and much loved Hackney asset. MoreClosed 5 May 2017 -
Late Night Levy Consultation
Hackney Council and Hackney Police are asking residents and businesses what they think of proposals to introduce a late night levy on premises serving alcohol between midnight and 6am, to help fund the cost of community safety and policing. Hackney currently has 399 premises licensed to sell alcohol between midnight and 6am. The Council wants to help support and sustain the borough's nighlife - which has made a valuable contribution to wider cultural and economic growth - however, it... MoreClosed 7 May 2017 -
Stage One and Two 'combined' consultation - Introduction of parking controls in Zone L displacement area (South Homerton)
Between October and November 2012, Parking Services consulted you and surrounding roads in your area on the introduction of parking controls. The results of the consultation indicated that a number of streets were in support of parking controls and as a result parking controls were introduced in these areas in June 2013. As your road was not in favour of the introduction of parking restrictions, it remained uncontrolled. MoreClosed 8 May 2017 -
Well Street Market Customer Survey - May
Well Street Market Customer Survey MoreClosed 8 May 2017 -
Well Street Traders Feedback Form - May
Well Street Market Traders Feedback Questionaire relating to Saturday 1 April 2017. MoreClosed 19 May 2017 -
Housing Strategy 2017
The Housing Strategy will set out the Council’s priorities and vision for working towards everyone in Hackney having a genuinely affordable, good quality and secure home. It will build on what residents have told us already and recognise what other housing providers and partners can do to help build mixed and sustainable communities. MoreClosed 22 May 2017 -
Building Control Customer Survey 2016/17
The primary function of Hackney's Building Control Service is to make sure that buildings are properly designed and constructed to ensure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people in or around buildings. Whatever the nature of your project the Service can help you manage it from concept to completion. To help us to improve the Building Control Service, please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will play a vital role in our improvement and will only take a few... MoreClosed 31 May 2017 -
Planning Service Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016/17
To help us to improve the Planning Service, please take the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will play a vital role in our improvement and will only take a few minutes to complete. If you submitted more than one application in 2016/17, please only comment on your most recent application. MoreClosed 31 May 2017 -
Alexandra National House Survey 2017
We want to ask your views on the repair work that has been carried out at Alexandra National House over the last year. MoreClosed 31 May 2017 -
Stage Two Design Consultation - Zone T (Stamford Hill area)
Parking Services consulted you between October and November 2015 on the introduction of parking controls on your road and surrounding roads in your area (Stage 1 consultation in Stamford Hill area). MoreClosed 23 June 2017 -
Primary School Catering survey
The London Borough of Hackney is interested in building up a picture of how Primary School food is provided in the borough, and to see what support and resources schools may require in future. Many schools in the borough are doing some innovative and successful things with the way their school food is provided, and we'd also like to capture this. Alongside questions on school food catering more generally, Hackney Learning Trust would like to propose running a collaborative... MoreClosed 23 June 2017 -
Pensions Committee Annual Assessment Survey - 2017
Effective decision-making for the Pension Fund requires knowledge and understanding of a range of complex factors. Ensuring that members of the Pensions Committee are well-informed on these issues and understand their responsibilities helps to promote this effective decision-making and protect the interests of the Fund and its stakeholders. MoreClosed 30 June 2017 -
Event Day Parking Consultation (Parking Zones K, N and Q).
Parking Services wrote to you in August last year, regarding our proposals to introduce event day parking controls in your area to protect the local residents and businesses from the impact of parking stress caused by matches and events being held in the nearby Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and stadium (QEOP). MoreClosed 17 July 2017 -
Darnley Road – Elsdale Street Area Traffic Reduction Scheme
Several streets around Frampton Park Road will be closed to through traffic and the environment will be improved with new trees. 66% of respondents supported the measures which will reduce traffic and make the area safer for walking and cycling. The junctions of Darnley Road with Elsdale Street and Loddiges Road with St Thomas’ Square will be closed to through traffic, which will improve air quality and reduce emissions on surrounding residential streets. The one way section of... MoreClosed 21 July 2017 -
Making better use of Stoke Newington Town Hall and surrounds
Hackney Council wants to make better use of the historic Stoke Newington Town Hall, Library and the under-used buildings and space to the rear, to ensure that the buildings have a vibrant and sustainable future. It is expensive for the Council to maintain these buildings and their community functions. In recent years the Council has spent over £5 million refurbishing these buildings, and more maintenance work is needed. Over the coming years it is estimated that the Council will need... MoreClosed 14 August 2017 -
Wick Road Improvement Scheme
This document outlines Hackney Council’s proposals for improving the Wick Road area between Kenworthy Road and Morning Lane, including: • reverting Wick Road to two-way traffic • adding better pedestrian crossings • creating separate cycle tracks in both directions • replacing trees • removing some car parking. MoreClosed 31 August 2017 -
Marian Court Design Consultation
Marian Court is the final stage of the regeneration of the former Bridge and Marian Estate. Hackney Council has asked for designs that provide: • 165-175 new homes that meet current space and energy-efficency standards, replacing ageing blocks that are uneconomical to repair • New community space, such as a community centre • Ground floor commercial space, including workspace, of which at least 10% will be affordable • High-quality, well-landscaped... MoreClosed 31 August 2017 -
Self-Service Payment Centre Survey
Hackney Council wants to hear your views on the new Self-Service Payment Centre (formally Cashiers Department) so that we can improve the way you access and use the service. MoreClosed 1 September 2017
586 results.
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