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605 results

  • Hackney Central Regeneration – Morning Lane Triangle

    Background One of the Council’s major development strategies is the regeneration of town centres around the borough to encourage investment opportunities to come to the borough. In line with this policy, a number of developments have either been implemented or are earmarked to take place over the next few years within the Hackney Central area. As part of this regeneration drive, the Council has developed proposals for public realm improvements outside the local shops on Morning... More
    Closed 12 September 2014
  • Northwold Road and Public Realm Consultation

    The Council is asking residents, stakeholders and motorist to have their say about new proposals to improve the public rhelm and pedestrian accessibility along Northwold Road (B111) between Stamford Hill (A10) and Upper Clapton Road (A107). More
    Closed 22 August 2014
  • Review of Parking Zone P (Victoria Park Village) Consultation

    THIS CONSULTATION IS NOW CLOSED We are pleased to announce that the results of this consultation are now available. We would like to thank all those that responded to the consultation. Your feedback has helped us make an informed decision on the review of parking controls in your area. You can download a copy of the Delegated Report, Summary Booklet Zone P, Zone P Map by clicking on the link below in the Results section at the bottom of this page. More
    Closed 8 August 2014
  • Millfields Park Improvements

    The Council is delivering £700,000 of improvements at Millfields Park that includes work to pathways, entrances, the play area and the old paddling pool and want to hear your views. More
    Closed 2 August 2014
  • Colville Estate Regeneration Fun Day 2014

    Each year the Colville Estate regeneration partners come together to celebrate the achievements and engage with local residents. The fun day will have redevelopment information and many other fun activities. More
    Closed 12 July 2014
605 results. Page 21 of 21