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560 results

  • Waterson Street - Proposed road safety and public realm scheme

    Overview The Council is seeking your views on a proposal to address congestion issues on Waterson Street that have arisen since the introduction of the traffic filter on Cremer Street. This filter was initially implemented in February 2021 on an experimental basis, but has now been made permanent. To address congestion issues, we are proposing to introduce a traffic filter on Waterson Street. The filter would prevent traffic from travelling from... More
    Opened 6 December 2022
  • Have your say: Climate Action Plan

    Tell us what you think about Hackney's draft Climate Action Plan by taking part in a short 3 question survey. We are consulting on a draft climate action plan, setting out the work that we all need to do together to help respond to climate change. It's organised into five themes: adaptation; buildings; transport; consumption and environmental quality. It's for everyone - residents, businesses, organisations, and voluntary and community groups - so we’re keen to hear your views. You can... More
    Opened 2 December 2022
  • The cost of living crisis and the impact on the cultural sector in Hackney

    We want to hear from Hackney’s cultural sector about the cost of living crisis and the impact on your organisation. The Council intends to use this information to gain a better understanding of how the crisis is affecting Hackney’s creative and cultural business community and, if necessary, to lobby the government to provide more targeted support for the sector. You don’t have to complete the whole survey. If you do not have the answer to every question, please feel... More
    Opened 29 November 2022
  • Using the Aerial Mast Fund at Acton Estate

    The Aerial Mast Fund is made up of rent received by Hackney Council from telecommunication operators who have installed aerial masts on some of the buildings on Hackney estates. Because the estate you live on currently has an aerial mast, residents at Acton Estate can access £36,000 to spend on estate improvements and / or activities to develop community cohesion. Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to encourage as many residents as possible to share their views on... More
    Opened 25 November 2022
  • Help us to develop Children & Family Hubs

    We want your help to develop exciting plans that will bring together support for families, children and young people in a new, more joined-up way. ‘Children and Family Hubs’ will offer help and support to families from conception up until age 19 (or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities- SEND). The hubs will see professionals and services from right across the Council, as well as from the health, community and voluntary sectors, working together to... More
    Opened 25 November 2022
  • 'Love Hackney' Magazine

    'Love Hackney' is the Council’s new publication which replaces 'Hackney Today', 'Hackney Life' and 'Our Homes'. The motivation behind creating one magazine was to make communicating with our residents more streamlined, and to create a stronger brand recognition. We have worked with residents' feedback to produce a magazine that we are confident has a much stronger brand identity and contains all the elements our residents need and like, but we are really keen to hear your... More
    Opened 24 November 2022
  • Making Daubeney Fields an active place for everyone

    Through the King’s Park Moving Together programme, local people have told us how important Daubeney Fields is to them. But we have also heard that the park could be more welcoming and used for more activities: a place where everyone in the community can spend time outdoors, connect with others and be active. We’ve been working with community partners to look at improvements that can be made to the park based on what we’ve heard from the community. As a first step, we have made... More
    Opened 18 November 2022
  • Using the Aerial Mast Fund at Tower TMO

    The Aerial Mast Fund is made up of rent received by Hackney Council from telecommunication operators who have installed aerial masts on some of the buildings on Hackney estates. Because the estate you live on currently has an aerial mast, residents at Tower TMO can access £15,000 to spend on estate improvements and / or activities to develop community cohesion. Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to encourage as many residents as possible to share their views on how... More
    Opened 14 November 2022
  • Albion Road Between Newington Green and Stoke Newington Church Street - Proposed road safety and public realm improvements

    We are proposing to introduce new road safety measures along Albion Road. This includes introducing wider pavements, blended crossings and a new rain garden by Carysfort Road. This is part of our plans to rebuild a greener Hackney, improve road safety and support people to walk, shop and cycle locally. Background While traffic volumes on Albion Road have decreased since Stoke Newington’s trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) was introduced, there... More
    Opened 2 November 2022
  • Draft Climate Action Plan Consultation

    We’re consulting on Hackney’s draft Climate Action Plan for 2023-2030. The Climate Action Plan (CAP) sets out an integrated approach for tackling the climate and ecological crisis. It provides a framework for everyone to take action to reduce emissions and adapt to the climate change that is already occurring, driven by an ambitious vision for a greener Hackney in 2030. This CAP is designed to set us in the right direction, but it will continue to be developed to keep pace with... More
    Opened 1 November 2022
  • Zone J Broadway Market Sub Area, Hours of Operation

    In 2019 the Council carried out a parking review consultation with all residents and businesses in Zone J. As a result of the feedback received, the Council made the decision to extend the operational hours of a cluster of roads sorrounding the Broadway Market area. Since the review, the market has been extended further to cover Sundays which has seen an increased number of visitors to the area that has put pressure on the availability of parking. Due to this some residents have... More
    Opened 31 October 2022
  • Residents' Estate Improvement Fund 2022

    The Residents' Estate Improvement Fund The Residents' Estate Improvement Fund 2023- 2024 is now open for your ideas. The fund is an annual investment pot that helps residents work with the Council to choose and deliver the changes they want to see on their estate. This can be spent on one-off, physical changes to improve outdoor and communal areas on estates, whether it’s enhancing what’s in place already or creating brand new facilities. This can include anything from... More
    Opened 17 October 2022
  • Local Housing Surgeries Survey

    The Council wants all residents who live in Hackney Council-managed homes to help shape new local housing surgeries where they will be able to get face-to-face help and advice on housing issues. Housing Services is bringing in new weekly surgeries in local community buildings early next year where residents will be able to discuss issues affecting them with their local housing officers. The new surgeries will replace the housing area offices which have been closed since the national... More
    Opened 16 October 2022
  • Community activities at Tower Estate

    Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to learn more about what activities or projects residents at Tower Estate would like to get involved in. In our short survey you will find some suggestions for activities and themes. Please mark your top priorities, and tell us your ideas. More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Community activities at Fawcett Estate

    Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to learn more about what activities or projects residents at Fawcett Estate would like to get involved in. In our short survey you will find some suggestions for activities and themes. Please mark your top priorities, and tell us your ideas. More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Community activities at Broad Common and Chardmore Estates

    Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to learn more about what activities or projects residents at Broad Common and Chardmore Estates would like to get involved in. In our short survey you will find some suggestions for activities and themes. Please mark your top priorities, and tell us your ideas. More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Community activities at Darenth Road Estate

    Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to learn more about what activities or projects residents at Darenth Road Estate would like to get involved in. In our short survey you will find some suggestions for activities and themes. Please mark your top priorities, and tell us your ideas. More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Community activities at Summit Estate

    Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to learn more about what activities or projects residents at Summit Estate would like to get involved in. In our short survey you will find some suggestions for activities and themes. Please mark your top priorities, and tell us your ideas. More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Take Part: Children & Family Hubs Workshops

    Hackney Council is asking residents to help us develop exciting plans that will bring together support for families, children and young people in a new, more joined-up way. Children and Family Hubs will be a ‘one stop shop’ through which help and support for the whole family - from conception, throughout the early years, and into early adulthood - will be offered. We want service users to sign up to help develop Children & Family hubs. We need the help of local people who use... More
    Opened 26 September 2022
  • Using the Aerial Mast Fund @ Kingsgate Estate

    Aerial Mast funding is made up of rent received by Hackney Council from telecommunication operators who have installed aerial masts on some of the buildings on Hackney estates. Because the estate you live on currently has an aerial mast, residents at Kingsgate Estate can access £15,000 to spend on estate improvements and / or activities to develop community cohesion. Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to encourage as many residents as possible to share their views on how... More
    Opened 12 September 2022
  • Using the Aerial Mast Fund @ Gooch House

    Aerial Mast funding is made up of rent received by Hackney Council from telecommunication operators who have installed aerial masts on some of the buildings on Hackney estates. Because the estate you live on currently has an aerial mast, residents at Gooch House can access £15,000 to spend on estate improvements and / or activities to develop community cohesion. Hackney Council's Resident Participation team would like to encourage as many residents as possible to share their views on how this... More
    Opened 12 September 2022
  • Using the Aerial Mast Fund @ Milton Gardens Estate

    Aerial Mast funding is made up of rent received by Hackney Council from telecommunication operators who have installed aerial masts on some of the buildings on Hackney estates. Because the estate you live on currently has an aerial mast, residents at Milton Gardens Estate can access £15,000 to spend on estate improvements and / or activities to develop community cohesion. Hackney Council's Resident Participation team and the Milton Gardens Estate Tenants and Residents' Association [TRA] would... More
    Opened 12 September 2022
  • Hoxton Community Pilot Autumn 2022

    Our Resident Participation team is in conversation with local residents and providers to bring a number of activities to local community halls this Autumn. We want these to attract and support a diverse group of our residents - and this will be best achieved if we co-develop the programme to include activities you are interested in! Your responses will help inform what activities will be organised at Provost and Geffrye community halls. We will feedback to the community by mid-September,... More
    Opened 31 August 2022
  • Improvements To Your Waste and Recycling Facilities

    Waste and recycling in Hackney The recycling rate on our estates is currently between 8% to 10%, so we are working hard to make recycling easier for residents. For example, we are aware that recycling bins are often further away form blocks than the waste bins, which can be an inconvenience for residents. In addition, the cost of unblocking chutes is around £75,000 a year across all our estates. The money saved by closing chutes will be invested in supporting other estates. ... More
    Opened 22 August 2022
  • Young Hackney Summer Activities Guide

    The Summer Guide goes to all schools, youth hubs and libraries in Hackney and is packed with free information/ activities/ workshops / clubs on what to do with your child over the summer holidays. Here's more info and a link to the Guide if you have never heard of it before: We would like you to answer a few questions about the guide on the next few pages. If you do not meet the criteria, the survey will take you to the... More
    Opened 27 July 2022
  • Wenlock Barn Estate

    Keeping Hackney building – an invitation to discuss the opportunities for new Council homes at Cropley Court on Wenlock Barn Estate. Hackney is facing a severe shortage of genuinely affordable homes for local people. That’s why the Council has led the way in building a new generation of high-quality Council homes in the borough, prioritised for local residents who need a new home. Between 2018 and 2022 the Council completed or started more than 1,500 new homes in Hackney,... More
    Opened 23 July 2022
  • Blandford Court

    Keeping Hackney building – an invitation to discuss the opportunities for new Council homes at Blandford Court Hackney is facing a severe shortage of genuinely affordable homes for local people. That’s why the Council has led the way in building a new generation of high-quality Council homes in the borough, prioritised for local residents who need a new home. Between 2018 and 2022 the Council completed or started more than 1,500 new homes in Hackney, achieved despite getting... More
    Opened 21 July 2022
  • Morris Blitz neighbourhood office

    Keeping Hackney building – an invitation to discuss the opportunities for new Council homes at Morris Blitz Hackney is facing a severe shortage of genuinely affordable homes for local people. That’s why the Council has led the way in building a new generation of high-quality Council homes in the borough, prioritised for local residents who need a new home. Between 2018 and 2022 the Council completed or started more than 1,500 new homes in Hackney, achieved despite getting almost... More
    Opened 21 July 2022
  • Wayman Court and Graham Road

    Keeping Hackney building – an invitation to discuss the opportunities for new Council homes at Wayman Court and Graham Road Hackney is facing a severe shortage of genuinely affordable homes for local people. That’s why the Council has led the way in building a new generation of high-quality Council homes in the borough, prioritised for local residents who need a new home. Between 2018 and 2022 the Council completed or started more than 1,500 new homes in Hackney, achieved... More
    Opened 19 July 2022
  • Fellows Court garages & Weymouth Court garages

    Keeping Hackney building – an invitation to discuss the opportunities for new Council homes at Fellows Court and Weymouth Court Hackney is facing a severe shortage of genuinely affordable homes for local people. That’s why the Council has led the way in building a new generation of high-quality Council homes in the borough, prioritised for local residents who need a new home. Between 2018 and 2022 the Council completed or started more than 1,500 new homes in Hackney, achieved... More
    Opened 16 July 2022
560 results. Page 5 of 19