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560 results

  • Colville Estate Phase 2C January 2021

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation and thousands more on the waiting list for social housing. That’s why Hackney is building. As part of our plans to provide much-needed housing on Council-owned land, we’re proposing to build 935 homes on the Colville Estate, replacing the original 432 homes with brand new homes for all tenants, alongside additional new homes and wider improvements to the... More
    Closed 31 January 2021
  • Hackney Parks and Green Spaces Strategy

    We are writing a Parks and Green Spaces Strategy that will guide how we develop and look after our 58 parks and green spaces and 237 housing green spaces in Hackney over the next ten years. To develop the strategy we spoke to experts, staff and young people who told us the themes and issues we need to tackle and the areas we need to focus on. The draft strategy sets out a vision for parks and green spaces where communities are more actively involved, our parks and green... More
    Closed 18 January 2021
  • Nightingale Estate - November 2020

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation - some of more than 13,000 families on our housing waiting list. That’s why Hackney is building. As part of our plans to provide much-needed housing on council-owned land, we’ll be building approximately 400 new homes at Nightingale. We are now proposing to make some changes to the order that we deliver the new buildings in, as well as some internal changes... More
    Closed 17 January 2021
  • Wilton Way Proposed SuDS Scheme and Public Realm Improvements

    We are seeking your views on proposals to improve Wilton Way to achieve a safer, more pleasant environment along the street with new landscaping that incorporates Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) with new trees, low level planting and refurbished footways. Why are these changes being proposed? The Council is committed to making our roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. These changes aim to create an environment that will encourage... More
    Closed 15 January 2021
  • Nye Bevan Estate Concierge Consultation - November 2020

    In June 2018, Clapton Park Management Board made the decision to hand the concierge service (run by a company called Horizon) on 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate back to Hackney Council. In August 2019 Horizon ceased trading before any new arrangements could be put in place. There has been no service since then. In order for the Council to ensure consistency, quality and transparency of service at Nye Bevan, we will need to bring it in line with all the other blocks in Hackney that use our... More
    Closed 4 January 2021
  • Nye Bevan Estate Concierge Consultation

    Please note that this link is for the original consultation for a Concierge Service at 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate. Ufortunately due to the low response we have relaunched the consultation to give any residents who didn't respond the first time to have their views heard. Putting in a Concierge Service will have a cost implication for residents, so it’s vital that those affected let us know if they are happy with the proposals. The link to the updated consultation is here: Nye... More
    Closed 4 January 2021
  • New Homes for Lincoln Court - December 2020

    Hackney is facing a severe housing shortage, with more than 3,000 families living in hostels and other temporary accommodation - some of more than 13,000 families on our housing waiting list. That’s why Hackney is building. As part of our plans to provide much-needed housing on council-owned land, we’re proposing to build 80-90 homes at Lincoln Court. We are keen to hear your thoughts on our plans - please review the information on the consultation boards below and complete the... More
    Closed 4 January 2021
  • Richmond Road - Proposed Boundary Change

    Parking Services are reviewing the existing zone boundary outside numbers 2 to 86 Richmond Road and the bays adjacent to the southern kerb. The proposal will relocate these addresses from Zone C to Zone J, allowing residents and businesses to park closer to their homes or place of work. The current parking arrangements only allow parking on the northern side of Richmond Road or further away in Forest Grove and Holly Street. The hours of operation in Zone C are Monday to Saturday 8.30am... More
    Closed 21 December 2020
  • Boundary Street, Calvert Avenue and Redchurch Street - Proposed Change of Operational Hours

    Since the review of Zone B in 2011, a number of changes in parking design in and around the area as well as the introduction of sustainable transport initiatives and changes to the demographics of the zone have resulted in a number of roads experiencing high parking stress. Specifically, changes made by Tower Hamlets to the hours of operation in certain boundary streets has caused additional parking stress for permit holders including Boundary Street, Calvert Avenue and Redchurch Street.... More
    Closed 21 December 2020
  • Greener Travel - Focus Group Registration

    Following the government's announcement to end the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030 and in preparation for the expansion of Ultra Low Emission Zone in 2021, the Council would like to invite Hackney residents to attend a focus group. The group will discuss your daily transport needs, the benefits of active travel such as walking and cycling, and possible incentives to switch from private vehicle ownership to greener travel alternatives. The focus groups will be held... More
    Closed 10 December 2020
  • Lincoln Court online sessions registration

    Welcome to the Lincoln Court online sessions registration page. We would like to invite you to attend our online sessions on our plans for Lincoln Court. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation drop-in session events have been adapted to a ‘remote’ format. The sessions will be led by the project team and the architects. The team will present the proposals briefly and attendees will be able to ask any questions and discuss the plans in more detail with the project... More
    Closed 8 December 2020
  • Waste Collection Changes - Online drop-in sessions

    In Spring 2021 we will be reducing the frequency of non-recyclable waste collections. This will mean moving waste collections from every week to every two weeks. This will impact street-level properties (generally houses, or houses that have been converted into flats, which have green sack recycling services) in Hackney. We are running a series of remote engagement sessions about the coming service change. The focus will be on presenting the changes to you and answering your... More
    Closed 23 November 2020
  • 21 Century Streets

    Thank you for your interest in taking part in the 21 Century Streets online workshop on Wednesday 18 November from 6.00-7.30pm. As a part of our broad vision for this scheme, we intend to deliver a new, green space, cycle parking, electric vehicle charging, a School Street, and an increase of tree canopy cover to 40% along Colvestone Crescent. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown, the Streetscene team has appointed a project architect - Studio Weave - and we... More
    Closed 16 November 2020
  • Alcohol in Public Spaces Public Space Protection Order (PSPOs)

    Hackney Council would like your views on the renewal of a borough-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) prohibiting street drinking associated with anti-social behaviour. The current PSPO expires on 20 October 2020 and we’re looking to renew it for 3 years until 20 October 2023. The PSPO gives the police and authorised Officers of the Council borough-wide powers to confiscate alcohol from a minority of drinkers whose excessive drinking causes problems for others in public... More
    Closed 31 October 2020
  • Dog Control Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)

    The London Borough of Hackney currently operates Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). The purpose of these PSPOs is to control a number of issues which arise as a result of people failing to exercise proper control of dogs in public places. The current PSPOs are due to expire on 20 October 2020, and the Council is now considering whether to renew the PSPO, for a further three years until 20 October 2023. The current PSPOs, which we are proposing to renew for a further... More
    Closed 31 October 2020
  • Welcome to Hackney Event

    Thank you for attending the 'Welcome to Hackney' event. We hope that you found it informative and useful. We are always reviewing what we offer to make it as effective as possible. We would be grateful if you could complete the attached survey and give us your views on the event that you attended. Thank you in advance. The OD Team More
    Closed 30 October 2020
  • Ageing Well Strategy Consultation

    The Draft Ageing Well Strategy sets out our vision for an age-friendly borough where older residents feel empowered, informed, valued and supported; through age-friendly communities and services and specialist care if the need arises. The strategy sets out the approach the Council is taking to promote and accomplish this over the next five years. This strategy is about catering for the very wide range of people aged 55+ through age friendly policies, building a community that values and... More
    Closed 30 October 2020
  • Hoxton Residents' Survey

    Hackney Council wants to better understand the experiences of Hoxton residents and communities in accessing and participating in local social and economic opportunities. The primary purpose of this survey is to establish a better understanding of the everyday life and potential challenges that local residents face, and to identify ways in which the Council can better support local residents. Hackney Council is working with Fluid; an urban research specialist based in Shoreditch on... More
    Closed 25 October 2020
  • Lincoln Court workshops September 2020

    Thank you for coming along to our virtual or in-person workshops. Please do let us know if you have any further thoughts or comments. We have included the questions that were used as conversation prompts during the sessions in this form, but please feel free to add comments as you wish. More
    Closed 11 October 2020
  • Waste Collection Changes - Focus Groups

    In spring 2021 we will be reducing the frequency of non-recyclable waste collections. This will mean moving from every week to every two weeks. This will impact street-level properties (generally houses, or houses that have been converted into flats, which have green sack recycling services) in Hackney. We are running a series of group discussions about the coming service change and we would like to hear from you. The focus will be to obtain your views on our approach to planning... More
    Closed 9 October 2020
  • New Homes for the De Beauvoir Estate - September 2020

    Nearly 13,000 households in Hackney are waiting for a new Council home, including 3,000 families living in temporary accommodation. That’s why Hackney is working with the local community to build much-needed new Council homes for local people on the De Beauvoir Estate. Across the two phases we’re proposing to build around 308 well-designed homes across the six sites shown on the map below as well as 2000 square metres of non-residential spaces. We will deliver at least 30% of the new... More
    Closed 21 September 2020
  • Flu Campaign

    City & Hackney GP Confederation has commissioned Hackney Council to deliver a major communications campaign to encourage those eligible for the flu jab to get one this year, with a focus on the most vulnerable, NHS and care staff and children up to the age 12. To inform the development of the communications campaign, we’d like to gather some insight from local residents that are eligible to receive the Flu jab. We are keen to understand the barriers to and attitudes about flu... More
    Closed 1 September 2020
  • Have your say on changes to motorcycle parking in Hackney

    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation has been extended for a further 12 weeks until Monday 10 August 2020. This is to ensure that you have more time to give your feedback on the proposals and take part in engagement events online. To register for our engagement events, please click here . If you have already responded to this consultation, you do not need to do so again. We would like your views on a number of proposed changes to rules governing motorcycle... More
    Closed 10 August 2020
  • Fairbank Estate Summer 2020

    The boards below outline our vision for much-needed new Council homes on part of the Fairbank Estate, alongside improved facilities and public spaces. If you or anyone you know has any issues viewing the boards, please contact Sophia Bromfield for assistance at or call 020 8356 7518. We want to build 73 much-needed new homes for local people, while transforming the public spaces across the estate to make them more attractive, accessible and enjoyable. We... More
    Closed 6 August 2020
  • Motorcycle parking consultation - online engagement sessions registration

    We would like your views on a number of proposed changes to rules governing motorcycle parking in Hackney. As part of our commitment to improve local air quality and reduce CO 2 emissions in the borough, we are proposing to introduce parking permits for motorcycles. This is aimed at tackling air pollution from motorcycles by encouraging people to switch to less polluting models or more sustainable forms of transport. It will also bring all motorcycle parking charges in line with... More
    Closed 5 August 2020
  • Have your say on the future of the Sir Robert Geffrye statue at the Museum of the Home, Kingsland Road, Hackney

    The Museum of the Home is running a consultation on the future of the Sir Robert Geffrye statue. You can provide your feedback until 3 July 2020. More
    Closed 3 July 2020
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the community

    Dear Hackney resident, We know this is a challenging time for all of us, nationally and locally. At this time Hackney Council is providing a number of services for local residents: some we provided before and some new. We want these to be as useful as possible over the duration of this period. We therefore need your feedback so we know how the situation is for you. Please can you help us make our services as useful as possible by answering the following questions. Please... More
    Closed 19 June 2020
  • Coronavirus Business Impact Monitoring Form - The next phase

    There have been significant developments since the introduction of our first survey in March and your responses have not only helped Hackney Council identify the gaps in support for many organisations but also enabled us to use this data to lobby the Government for further support on your behalf. The Mayor of Hackney, Philip Glanville and Cllr Guy Nicholson, Cabinet Member for Planning, Culture and Inclusive Economy have written several letters to the Government and provided submissions... More
    Closed 15 June 2020
  • New Homes for the De Beauvoir Estate Phase 2

    We’re working alongside the local community to develop plans for Phase 2 of the De Beauvoir Estate project. This could provide more genuinely affordable homes for estate residents in housing need and some of the 13,000 families on Hackney's housing waiting list. The information boards below, from our recent event, introduce our early ideas for this Phase and we would welcome your feedback. We are particularly interested in finding out your views on the public spaces in the Phase 2 area.... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Graham Road Bus Priority Proposal for Routes 38, 242 and 277

    We are seeking views on proposals to improve the local road network for buses and make Graham Road safer for all road users. Why are these changes being proposed? The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough as well as promoting public transport and helping to make buses more reliable. In addition to achieving faster journey times for bus users, these changes aim to create a favourable... More
    Closed 19 April 2020
560 results. Page 9 of 19