Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan
Why your views matter
The Council is now consulting on the Draft Masterplan and wants to hear your views on some of the key projects. You can have your say by:
- Visiting one of the Borough’s libraries and collecting a questionnaire and using the FREEPOST envelope to return the completed questionnaire to us.
- Calling us on 020 8356 1318.
- Emailing deliveryteam@hackney.gov.uk
- Coming along to one of the following ‘drop-in’ sessions
Drop-in Session - Bottom of the Narrow Way(Opposite Marks & Spencers)
From 20 Oct 2016 at 14:00 to 20 Oct 2016 at 17:00If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.
Drop-in Session - Hackney Central Library
From 1 Nov 2016 at 10:00 to 1 Nov 2016 at 13:00If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.
Drop-in Session - Junction of Mare Street and Westgate Street (Outside Space Studios)
From 10 Nov 2016 at 15:00 to 10 Nov 2016 at 18:00If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.
- Planning
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