Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan

Closed 14 Nov 2016

Opened 3 Oct 2016




‘Hackney Central and Surrounds’ is the area located around Hackney Central Town Centre and extending south along Mare Street. While the area has attracted significant investment in recent years, it has the potential to become an even greater place to live, work, shop and spend time, increasing employment opportunities and providing new homes. 
The current planning and development framework for the area identifies a number of objectives. The Draft Masterplan builds on this framework and identifies how improvements could be made in the area, including refurbishing or redeveloping certain buildings, or making the ‘public realm’ (the space in between buildings) work better. The Council has decided to outline how these improvements could be
achieved in a Draft Masterplan for the area.
The story so far
In 2012, the Council adopted a planning document for Hackney Central. The planning document, known as an ‘Area Action Plan’ or ‘AAP’ is a strategy for coordinated development and design that reflects local aspirations for the future of the area. The document establishes the basis for shaping the regeneration of the area through identifying ‘opportunity sites’ (which are places or buildings that have the potential to be improved), as well as how these ‘opportunity sites’ can be delivered.
Since this time, a number of the ‘opportunity sites’ have been developed and the Council is looking at ways it can help implement some of the remaining improvements already set out in the document in the short term (within the next 5 years) and medium term (from 6 to 11 years). These are set out in the Draft Masterplan and represent how the area could be improved.
The proposals for the ‘opportunity sites’ in the Draft Masterplan do not represent what is definitely going to happen, as this will need to be approved and consulted on through the planning application process, but represents what the Council would like to see happen, which is in line with the existing planning policy. It gives developers a firm idea of how we want the area to develop and the sorts of proposals that could be acceptable.
Once further consultation on these improvements has been carried out and the Draft Masterplan has been finalised, the Council can seek to work with private land owners and developers to try and implement these improvements, bringing real benefits to the area.
Because the Draft Masterplan is a technical Planning and Design Guidance document, the Council has produced a summary document which summarises the purpose of the Draft Masterplan; sets out the benefits the Masterplan could bring out; and highlights key projects identified in the Draft Masterplan.


Why your views matter

The Council is now consulting on the Draft Masterplan and wants to hear your views on some of the key projects. You can have your say by:

  • Visiting one of the Borough’s libraries and collecting a questionnaire and using the FREEPOST envelope to return the completed questionnaire to us.
  • Calling us on 020 8356 1318.
  • Emailing deliveryteam@hackney.gov.uk
  • Coming along to one of the following ‘drop-in’ sessions


  • Drop-in Session - Bottom of the Narrow Way(Opposite Marks & Spencers)

    From 20 Oct 2016 at 14:00 to 20 Oct 2016 at 17:00

    If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.

  • Drop-in Session - Hackney Central Library

    From 1 Nov 2016 at 10:00 to 1 Nov 2016 at 13:00

    If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.

  • Drop-in Session - Junction of Mare Street and Westgate Street (Outside Space Studios)

    From 10 Nov 2016 at 15:00 to 10 Nov 2016 at 18:00

    If you would like to talk to a Planning Officer about the Draft Hackney Central and Surrounds Masterplan, come along to our drop-in session. You'll also be able to collect a copy of the Draft Masterplan summary document and questionnaire.


  • Planning